Volume Art
EditorCHARLOTTE CONDIE’s {[email protected]} work focuses on life and love against the backdrop of Latter-Day Saint community and culture, its triumphs, and its challenges. My personal wrestle with the Divine and life with scrupulosity informs my…
Correlating Orthodoxy and Style: Institutionally “Approved” Christ-Centered Art in LDS Visual Resources and Meetinghouses, 1990–2021
Noel A. CarmackReligious images have long been used in Latter-day Saint worship and instruction. Paintings, illustrations, and graphic works served a devotional function among the early Church members. Not only did the Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo use…
Racial Innocence and the Christus-Based Latter-day Saints Symbol
M. David HustonOn April 4, 2020, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) formally adopted an institutional symbol that is now prominently displayed on the Church logo and is imprinted on Church publications, websites, videos,…
The Great Awakening of the LDS-Mormon Art Scene | Chase Westfall, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in Latter-day Saint Contemporary Art
Heather BelnapThe summer of 2021 brought a greatly anticipated event to the LDS-Mormon art community: the opening of the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts’s gallery in Manhattan. Its inaugural exhibition, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in…
Abstraction in Latter-day Saint Art: An Interview with Chase Westfall
Margaret Olsen HemmingMOH: In official LDS Church materials, from magazines to manuals to temple walls, there’s a lack of abstract art, in favor of highly representational, literal art. What is the role of abstraction in religious art,…
Volume Art
EditorVolume Art
EditorVolume Art
EditorCHARLOTTE CONDIE’s {[email protected]} work focuses on life and love against the backdrop of Latter-Day Saint community and culture, its triumphs, and its challenges. My personal wrestle with the Divine and life with scrupulosity informs my…
Correlating Orthodoxy and Style: Institutionally “Approved” Christ-Centered Art in LDS Visual Resources and Meetinghouses, 1990–2021
Noel A. CarmackReligious images have long been used in Latter-day Saint worship and instruction. Paintings, illustrations, and graphic works served a devotional function among the early Church members. Not only did the Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo use…
Racial Innocence and the Christus-Based Latter-day Saints Symbol
M. David HustonOn April 4, 2020, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) formally adopted an institutional symbol that is now prominently displayed on the Church logo and is imprinted on Church publications, websites, videos,…
The Great Awakening of the LDS-Mormon Art Scene | Chase Westfall, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in Latter-day Saint Contemporary Art
Heather BelnapThe summer of 2021 brought a greatly anticipated event to the LDS-Mormon art community: the opening of the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts’s gallery in Manhattan. Its inaugural exhibition, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in…
Volume Art
Issue ArtAbstraction in Latter-day Saint Art: An Interview with Chase Westfall
Margaret Olsen HemmingMOH: In official LDS Church materials, from magazines to manuals to temple walls, there’s a lack of abstract art, in favor of highly representational, literal art. What is the role of abstraction in religious art,…
Volume Art
Issue ArtListen to the Out Loud Interview about this art here.
ART NOTE Black Joy
Grace SoelbergDialogue 2022 Summer Issue
(author)The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art
Margaret Olsen HemmingFor the first century of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members generally did not condone artistic renderings of deity, including those of Christ.[1] It was not until the mid-twentieth century that Mormon…
Review: Delightful Futuristic Mormon Morality Tale Offers Teaching Tool for Progressive Parents Matt Page, Future Day Saints: Welcome to the New Zion
Christopher C. SmithAfter his death and resurrection on Earth, Jesus Christ traveled to New Zion—a planet in the Kolob star system—and appeared to its six-eyed alien inhabitants, whom he named the Othersheep. He explained to the Othersheep…
The Mask We Must Wear in a Racist Society: Reflections of Black Suffering in the LDS Church Through Art
Darron T. SmithI reflect upon a work of art by Marlena Wilding, a Black female artist with ties to Utah and Mormonism.[1] Her artwork is a stark representation of the complex nature of living while Black in…
Art Note: The Most Beautiful Thing about Kathleen Peterson’s “The Woman Taken in Adultery”
James GoldbergElegy for the Eaten
Madison DanielsTo the Ones whoAwakened the Universe with a wordAnd set the Cosmos afire. God-Mom and God-Dad— Stretching forth our hands,We pluck from the Tree of Life.For our mortal lives to be sustained,creaturely blood must be…
A Blessing for Starting Over
Joanna BrooksFirst, bless the burst of anger; its force will get you free. Then, bless the tears that follow; they will provide new sight. Bless your bare feet as you put them on the earth. Run.…
ART NOTES: Totality & Light
Bradley SladeSymbols on Canvas
Lita Little GiddinsLand and Line
Andi Pitcher DavisThe Absurd in Art and Mormonism
Andi Pitcher DavisOn My Art
Royden CardSpring 2019 Issue Art
Emily Fox KingFinding God in the Abstract Hildebrando de Melo and Glen Nelson. Nzambi (God): Hildebrando de Melo.
Jennifer ChampouxART ESSAY: The Color of Longing
Melody JohnsonLetters to the Editor
Letters to the EditorArt Essay: Reflections on Life, Art, Loss, and Love
Rebecca WagstaffWhat is an LDS Artist? Glen Nelson. Joseph Paul Vorst.
Micah ChristensenArt Essay: Out of Angola
Glen NelsonArt Essay: The Loss of Art, The Art of Loss
Christian AndersonArt: “In Brick and Stone”: The Art of Paul L. Anderson
Paul L. AndersonArt
Issue ArtArt Notes: An Intuitive Approach to Art
Daniel Hall BartholomewArt Notes: Norma: An Excerpt from The Encore
Charity Tillemann-DickArt
J. Kirk RichardsArt Essay: a time to believe abuse victims
Beth AdamsRemember Me: Discursive Needlework and the Sewing Sampler of Patty Bartlett Sessions
Stacey DearingArt: Thoughts on Lane Twitchell
Brad KramerArt: Islamic Art and the LDS Faith
Lisa DeLongArt: Reflections
Robert De GroffArt
Issue ArtArt
Issue ArtInternational Art Competition
Andrea DavisDrawings
(author)Mormons and the Visual Arts
James L. HaseltineIt seems curious to ask, “What support has the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints given to the visual arts in Utah?” One would hardly consider as fields for fruitful exploration Baptist support of…
In Defense of the Market Place
Gary H. DriggsProfessor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the bad…
The Dichotomy of Art and Religion
R. A. ChristmasIt is easy to sympathize with Dr. Marden Clark’s essay, “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” — too easy. We are all, I suppose, concerned about the relationship of religion and art, and on the…
Art, Religion and the Market Place
Marden J. ClarkArt and religion share a common end and a common enemy. The common end is the enrichment of the life of the spirit; the common enemy is the market place. That the end, or at…
Art and Belief: A Critique
Douglas HillThe recent exhibit of paintings by Mormon artists held at the Salt Lake City Public Library was not, as many people hoped or expected, a confirmation of what might be called a Mormon style. The…
Art and Belief: A Group Exhibition
Dale FletcherCould there be a “Mormon Art”—something different, vital, worthy of both words, Mormon and art? During the school year 1965-66 this and related questions were being discussed much around the B.Y.U. art department, mostly on…
Morality or Empathy? A Mormon in the Theater
Ronald WilcoxLate one night last November, after a visit to Utah, I was driving across the New Mexico desert. It’s a long way from Ogden to Dallas, especially in a Volkswagen, but I’ve always found the…
The Coalville Tabernacle: A Photographic Essay
Douglas HillSometime late in January or early February, winter’s dregs and the rancid crackers of academic routine begin to yield singularly stale sop. During those scraps of days in 1966 both of us turned our mental…
On Haiku Art
Robert MarriottIn the human presence is the real salience of life. I’m interested in that—the human resonance really that exists in all things and so in my work, though somewhat modified, somewhat less than obviously descriptive—not…
Notes from the Artist’s Sketchbook
James ChristensenNotes on Brigham Young’s Aesthetics
Michael Hicks“If there is anything virtuous, lovely . . . we seek after these things.” Granted. But loveliness by what criteria? We in the Church often presume a common aesthetic; or when conflicts in judgment arise—whether…
Livre d’Artiste: The Book of Abraham by Day Christensen and Wulf Barsch
Lowell DurhamSand Dollars Gracing a Shore Within Reach
B. J. Fogg“Hey, Brian!” Dead leaned into my room. “Be ready to leave in about thirty minutes.” “Fine,” I replied, not worried that I hadn’t even begun to pack. I rummaged through my drawers and closet and…
Words for Late Summer
Dixie Lee PartridgeCornmeal, dusted over these loaves
like pollen. And I wish again
for the old unwritten recipes: brown breads,
chicken baked in a wrap of cornmeal,
family reunion picnics I can’t match
with my own.
I Am Watching Four Canada Geese
Susan Elizabeth Howein a perfect diamond of flight
slip between me and the sky, circle
toward rest and cover for the night.
The lake is a polished absurdity
Listening to Mozart’s Requiem While Crossing the San Rafael
M. Shayne BellThe Requiem matched
the smell of death
on the leather of my coat,
and the fear in the music
“Similarity of Priesthood in Masonry”: The Relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism
Michael W. HomerToldot/Generations
Seymour Cainnow that I’m old
and know it
I begin to glimpse
the endless line
Poor Sad, Dead Girls
Elizabeth VisickYou poor sad, dead little girls
Tonight I am crying for you.
I have walked gingerly in your blue shoes,
Your small shoes, your worn shoes,
Women of Cards
Jocelyn KearlIn a monthly cycle,
women gather to play cards,
to not talk of the children
they have or don’t.
Jocelyn KearlI sit at the wheel as I did
when I was young.
My hands pull the
warm plastic sediment
Hard Publics
David SeiterNot their felon, not their lackey, you.
After the sclerosis of your tissues,
the emulsifying of your fluids,
The Lighthouse Bookstore
Michael J. NobleHalfway between here and Oregon, the Lighthouse Bookstore
opens along some residential street we browse unwittingly
when reading after dark, where the words and road signs
blur and the sky clouds up and thunders.
David SeiterOne day we were healed
by a man in a tent.
You remember. We had driven
streets of Four Castle,
A Handsome Volume | Thomas E. Toone, Mahonri Young: His Life and Art
Jessie L. EmbryMormons associate Mahonri Young with his LDS sculptures: Seagull Monument and This Is the Place Monument in Salt Lake City, and the Brigham Young statue in Washington, D.C. Yet Young was internationally known for his…
Winter Dies
N. Andrew SpackmanThe full third moon of passing
winter rears up
against an x-ray white orchard.
There are tree skeletons.
And puddles like black eye sockets.
Intricate, Lucid, Generous | Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner, Dancing Naked
Neila C. SeshachariFew first novels in Utah in the last three decades have earned the popularity and notoriety of Dancing Naked. When Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner did a “pre-publication” reading from the book at the Writers@Work conference…
In a Pueblo Indian Dwelling, Four-Corners
Amy E. Jensen Beside
shards of earthen jars and bowls,
the Kachina-Child returns
in the desert’s smoldering gaze. He enters
Danielle Beazer DubraskyHer afghans and roses give her day a pattern
that will untighten her mouth pursed by a memory—
how her mother would fatten the favored son with milk,
claiming only boys needed calcium, not girls.
Critical Condition
R. A. Christmasfor Gene England at Utah Valley Hospital, 2001
When I heard about Gene’s surgery, I
thought, “Even with half a brain he’d still
be ten times smarter than me!”
God’s Army: Wiggle Room for the Mormon Soul
David G. PaceIf you can get past the unfortunate title of Richard Dutcher’s God’s Army, you will find the first commercial film of what might be a new era in Mormon art. Dutcher’s creation likely spikes interest…
Without Mercy: Neil LaBute as Mormon Artist
R. W. RasbandWhat is the Challenge for LDS Scholars and Artists?
John M. RectorAlive in Mormon Poetry
Danielle Beazer DubraskyPoetry Matters in Mormon Culture
Robert HughesAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
(author)Christmas Conflict 2001
Dawn Baker BrimleyU.S. Navy Photo: “Dawn Landing on Wake Island”
Ruth SalterThe Push (Captain Pratt’s Story from Korea)
Ruth SalterAug 6, 2010
Marden J. ClarkNov 1, 2001
Robin RussellAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtSwimming in the Sea of Azov
Barry Gaines“Astonished Each Day”: An Interview with Richard J Van Wagoner Utah Artist
Levi S. PetersonAbout the Cover Artist
Lane TwitchellAbout the Artists
Issue ArtMormon Artists Group: Adventures in Art Making
Glen NelsonAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artists
Issue ArtMaking the Absent Visible: The Real, Ideal, and the Abstract in Mormon Art
Barry LagaAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist
Issue ArtAbout the Artist: Emily Plewe
Issue ArtPulses
Caleb WarnockSome Kind of Beginning
Sunni Brown WilkinsonMiracle #1; Miracle #2
Sunni Brown WilkinsonAbout The Artist: Ricky Allman
Issue ArtAbout the Artist: Mark England
Mark EnglandComplete History of the Church
(author)What is Mormon Cinema? Defining the Genre
Randy AstleAbout the Artist
Issue ArtUntitled
Russell MooreheadAbout the Artist
Thomas D. AaronWherever He May Go
(author)The Tightrope Walker
Mary ToscanoFeatured Artist
Issue ArtFeatured Artist
Issue ArtReview: Floyd Gottfredson. Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse: “Race to Death Valley”
(author)Communicating Jesus: The Encoding and Decoding Practices of Re-Presenting Jesus for LDS (Mormon) Audiences at a BYU Art Museum
David W. ScottWinter 2013 Art
Issue ArtSpring 2014 Art
(author)Summer 2014 Art
Issue ArtA Walk through Blenheim
Karen KelsayResonance
Amber BlueIssue Art: Page Turner
Issue ArtViewing Kershisnik’s Nativity
Douglas L. TalleyOne Glory of the Moon
Douglas L. TalleyVolume Art
EditorVolume Art
EditorVolume Art
EditorCHARLOTTE CONDIE’s {[email protected]} work focuses on life and love against the backdrop of Latter-Day Saint community and culture, its triumphs, and its challenges. My personal wrestle with the Divine and life with scrupulosity informs my…
Correlating Orthodoxy and Style: Institutionally “Approved” Christ-Centered Art in LDS Visual Resources and Meetinghouses, 1990–2021
Noel A. CarmackReligious images have long been used in Latter-day Saint worship and instruction. Paintings, illustrations, and graphic works served a devotional function among the early Church members. Not only did the Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo use…
Racial Innocence and the Christus-Based Latter-day Saints Symbol
M. David HustonOn April 4, 2020, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) formally adopted an institutional symbol that is now prominently displayed on the Church logo and is imprinted on Church publications, websites, videos,…
The Great Awakening of the LDS-Mormon Art Scene | Chase Westfall, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in Latter-day Saint Contemporary Art
Heather BelnapThe summer of 2021 brought a greatly anticipated event to the LDS-Mormon art community: the opening of the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts’s gallery in Manhattan. Its inaugural exhibition, Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in…
Volume Art
Issue ArtAbstraction in Latter-day Saint Art: An Interview with Chase Westfall
Margaret Olsen HemmingMOH: In official LDS Church materials, from magazines to manuals to temple walls, there’s a lack of abstract art, in favor of highly representational, literal art. What is the role of abstraction in religious art,…
Volume Art
Issue ArtListen to the Out Loud Interview about this art here.
ART NOTE Black Joy
Grace SoelbergDialogue 2022 Summer Issue
(author)The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art
Margaret Olsen HemmingFor the first century of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members generally did not condone artistic renderings of deity, including those of Christ.[1] It was not until the mid-twentieth century that Mormon…
Review: Delightful Futuristic Mormon Morality Tale Offers Teaching Tool for Progressive Parents Matt Page, Future Day Saints: Welcome to the New Zion
Christopher C. SmithAfter his death and resurrection on Earth, Jesus Christ traveled to New Zion—a planet in the Kolob star system—and appeared to its six-eyed alien inhabitants, whom he named the Othersheep. He explained to the Othersheep…
The Mask We Must Wear in a Racist Society: Reflections of Black Suffering in the LDS Church Through Art
Darron T. SmithI reflect upon a work of art by Marlena Wilding, a Black female artist with ties to Utah and Mormonism.[1] Her artwork is a stark representation of the complex nature of living while Black in…
Art Note: The Most Beautiful Thing about Kathleen Peterson’s “The Woman Taken in Adultery”
James GoldbergElegy for the Eaten
Madison DanielsTo the Ones whoAwakened the Universe with a wordAnd set the Cosmos afire. God-Mom and God-Dad— Stretching forth our hands,We pluck from the Tree of Life.For our mortal lives to be sustained,creaturely blood must be…
A Blessing for Starting Over
Joanna BrooksFirst, bless the burst of anger; its force will get you free. Then, bless the tears that follow; they will provide new sight. Bless your bare feet as you put them on the earth. Run.…
ART NOTES: Totality & Light
Bradley SladeSymbols on Canvas
Lita Little GiddinsLand and Line
Andi Pitcher DavisThe Absurd in Art and Mormonism
Andi Pitcher DavisOn My Art
Royden CardSpring 2019 Issue Art
Emily Fox KingFinding God in the Abstract Hildebrando de Melo and Glen Nelson. Nzambi (God): Hildebrando de Melo.
Jennifer ChampouxART ESSAY: The Color of Longing
Melody JohnsonLetters to the Editor
Letters to the EditorArt Essay: Reflections on Life, Art, Loss, and Love
Rebecca WagstaffWhat is an LDS Artist? Glen Nelson. Joseph Paul Vorst.
Micah ChristensenArt Essay: Out of Angola
Glen NelsonArt Essay: The Loss of Art, The Art of Loss
Christian AndersonArt: “In Brick and Stone”: The Art of Paul L. Anderson
Paul L. AndersonArt
Issue ArtArt Notes: An Intuitive Approach to Art
Daniel Hall BartholomewArt Notes: Norma: An Excerpt from The Encore
Charity Tillemann-DickArt
J. Kirk RichardsArt Essay: a time to believe abuse victims
Beth AdamsRemember Me: Discursive Needlework and the Sewing Sampler of Patty Bartlett Sessions
Stacey DearingArt: Thoughts on Lane Twitchell
Brad KramerArt: Islamic Art and the LDS Faith
Lisa DeLongArt: Reflections
Robert De GroffArt
Issue ArtArt
Issue ArtInternational Art Competition
Andrea DavisDrawings
(author)Mormons and the Visual Arts
James L. HaseltineIt seems curious to ask, “What support has the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints given to the visual arts in Utah?” One would hardly consider as fields for fruitful exploration Baptist support of…
In Defense of the Market Place
Gary H. DriggsProfessor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the bad…
The Dichotomy of Art and Religion
R. A. ChristmasIt is easy to sympathize with Dr. Marden Clark’s essay, “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” — too easy. We are all, I suppose, concerned about the relationship of religion and art, and on the…
Art, Religion and the Market Place
Marden J. ClarkArt and religion share a common end and a common enemy. The common end is the enrichment of the life of the spirit; the common enemy is the market place. That the end, or at…
Art and Belief: A Critique
Douglas HillThe recent exhibit of paintings by Mormon artists held at the Salt Lake City Public Library was not, as many people hoped or expected, a confirmation of what might be called a Mormon style. The…
Art and Belief: A Group Exhibition
Dale FletcherCould there be a “Mormon Art”—something different, vital, worthy of both words, Mormon and art? During the school year 1965-66 this and related questions were being discussed much around the B.Y.U. art department, mostly on…
Morality or Empathy? A Mormon in the Theater
Ronald WilcoxLate one night last November, after a visit to Utah, I was driving across the New Mexico desert. It’s a long way from Ogden to Dallas, especially in a Volkswagen, but I’ve always found the…
The Coalville Tabernacle: A Photographic Essay
Douglas HillSometime late in January or early February, winter’s dregs and the rancid crackers of academic routine begin to yield singularly stale sop. During those scraps of days in 1966 both of us turned our mental…
On Haiku Art
Robert MarriottIn the human presence is the real salience of life. I’m interested in that—the human resonance really that exists in all things and so in my work, though somewhat modified, somewhat less than obviously descriptive—not…
Notes from the Artist’s Sketchbook
James ChristensenNotes on Brigham Young’s Aesthetics
Michael Hicks“If there is anything virtuous, lovely . . . we seek after these things.” Granted. But loveliness by what criteria? We in the Church often presume a common aesthetic; or when conflicts in judgment arise—whether…
Livre d’Artiste: The Book of Abraham by Day Christensen and Wulf Barsch
Lowell DurhamSand Dollars Gracing a Shore Within Reach
B. J. Fogg“Hey, Brian!” Dead leaned into my room. “Be ready to leave in about thirty minutes.” “Fine,” I replied, not worried that I hadn’t even begun to pack. I rummaged through my drawers and closet and…
Words for Late Summer
Dixie Lee PartridgeCornmeal, dusted over these loaves
like pollen. And I wish again
for the old unwritten recipes: brown breads,
chicken baked in a wrap of cornmeal,
family reunion picnics I can’t match
with my own.
I Am Watching Four Canada Geese
Susan Elizabeth Howein a perfect diamond of flight
slip between me and the sky, circle
toward rest and cover for the night.
The lake is a polished absurdity
Listening to Mozart’s Requiem While Crossing the San Rafael
M. Shayne BellThe Requiem matched
the smell of death
on the leather of my coat,
and the fear in the music
“Similarity of Priesthood in Masonry”: The Relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism
Michael W. HomerToldot/Generations
Seymour Cainnow that I’m old
and know it
I begin to glimpse
the endless line
Poor Sad, Dead Girls
Elizabeth VisickYou poor sad, dead little girls
Tonight I am crying for you.
I have walked gingerly in your blue shoes,
Your small shoes, your worn shoes,
Women of Cards
Jocelyn KearlIn a monthly cycle,
women gather to play cards,
to not talk of the children
they have or don’t.
Jocelyn KearlI sit at the wheel as I did
when I was young.
My hands pull the
warm plastic sediment
Hard Publics
David SeiterNot their felon, not their lackey, you.
After the sclerosis of your tissues,
the emulsifying of your fluids,
The Lighthouse Bookstore
Michael J. NobleHalfway between here and Oregon, the Lighthouse Bookstore
opens along some residential street we browse unwittingly
when reading after dark, where the words and road signs
blur and the sky clouds up and thunders.
David SeiterOne day we were healed
by a man in a tent.
You remember. We had driven
streets of Four Castle,
A Handsome Volume | Thomas E. Toone, Mahonri Young: His Life and Art
Jessie L. EmbryMormons associate Mahonri Young with his LDS sculptures: Seagull Monument and This Is the Place Monument in Salt Lake City, and the Brigham Young statue in Washington, D.C. Yet Young was internationally known for his…
Winter Dies
N. Andrew SpackmanThe full third moon of passing
winter rears up
against an x-ray white orchard.
There are tree skeletons.
And puddles like black eye sockets.
Intricate, Lucid, Generous | Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner, Dancing Naked
Neila C. SeshachariFew first novels in Utah in the last three decades have earned the popularity and notoriety of Dancing Naked. When Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner did a “pre-publication” reading from the book at the Writers@Work conference…
In a Pueblo Indian Dwelling, Four-Corners
Amy E. Jensen Beside
shards of earthen jars and bowls,
the Kachina-Child returns
in the desert’s smoldering gaze. He enters
Danielle Beazer DubraskyHer afghans and roses give her day a pattern
that will untighten her mouth pursed by a memory—
how her mother would fatten the favored son with milk,
claiming only boys needed calcium, not girls.
Critical Condition
R. A. Christmasfor Gene England at Utah Valley Hospital, 2001
When I heard about Gene’s surgery, I
thought, “Even with half a brain he’d still
be ten times smarter than me!”
God’s Army: Wiggle Room for the Mormon Soul
David G. PaceIf you can get past the unfortunate title of Richard Dutcher’s God’s Army, you will find the first commercial film of what might be a new era in Mormon art. Dutcher’s creation likely spikes interest…