Glen Nelson
GLEN NELSON {[email protected]} is the author of Joseph Paul Vorst, Mormons at the Met, and twenty other books—some of these as a ghostwriter. Three of them have been New York Times bestsellers. He has curated solo gallery exhibitions of Annie Poon, Casey Jex Smith, and the American lithographs of Joseph Paul Vorst (all for Writ & Vision Gallery, Provo, Utah) and written catalogs for each of them. He is the librettist of three operas by Murray Boren and a number of other works in collaboration with composers, including new commissioned projects with Ethan Wickman and Lansing McLoskey that will premiere in 2019 and 2020, respectively. He founded Mormon Artists Group in 1999. He hosts the podcast “Mormon Arts Center’s Studio Podcast,” and he is co-executive director of the Mormon Arts Center. EGIDE NZOJIBWAMI is an engineer and has his o
Review: Speaking for Herself Ashley Mae Hoiland. One Hundred Birds Taught Me to Fly: The Art of Seeking God
Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 4
Coney Island Hymn: Shore
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 2
They clap their hands together
and shout out
and sing the same song