

Beyond Literalism

Mormonism has, in my view, a serious theological problem with its understanding of scripture. The problem lies in the tendency to read the scriptures uncritically, and it exists in both the LDS and RLDS traditions.…

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A 1945 Perspective

This 1945 ward teachers’ message on the obedience apparently required of Church members, the response it sparked from a concerned Salt Lake City Unitarian minister, and the response of Church President George Albert Smith to…

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I  Friday morning. June sky like denim through the bus windows. The last day before the weekend, Marc repeated to himself, like a gypsy muttering a chant.  He swung off the bus four blocks before his…

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Letters to the Editor

Personal Voices


Sonnet for Spring

there’s honeysuckle in the exhaust, a fine green 
beard between walks, spring softens us 
again, now we confess the earth is a drum 
encased in living skin, not concrete, 

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Penetrating Muddied Waters: Creationism and Evolution | Michael Ruse, Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies, Norman D. Newell, Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality?, Niles Eldredge, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Evolution, and Philip Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism

The conflict between creationism and evolution in the past few years has prob ably brought mixed feelings to many Latter day Saints. Although some excellent scholarship has demonstrated that we have little or nothing in common with the philosophical positions held by modern creationists (Jeffery 1973), their combination of conservative politics, religious devoutness, and concern with the moral condition of our society are appealing to many Mormons.

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Utah’s Ethnic Legacy

As I look at you graduates, I recognize in your faces, full-blown in some, slight in others, the ethnic people of your past. Among you sit men and women whose sorrowing ancestors were summarily sent to…

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