
Single Voices: A Letter Home

Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 2

Dear Mom and Dad, 

Your phone call last night left me feeling strangely orphaned, as if you had placed me on some foreign doorstep. I know you thought that Tom and I would get married, and that you can’t understand why I’ve quit my job. Last year you questioned my going on to graduate school; last night you wanted me to return for more schooling in Utah: is it that you’d rather have me in school there than struggling out here?

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Articles/Essays – Volume 10, No. 2

Dialogue 10.2 (Fall 1976, Reprinted Spring/Summer 2001): 67–74
An active church member shares his struggles of being in the church while being gay.“Solus,” S-O-L-US-, latin for alone, by an anonymous gay may in the Fall 1976 issue is the first entry on this topic in Dialogue. This is likely the first instance of an LGBTQ voice in any LDS publication. It marks the beginning of the modern LDS LGBTQ movement.

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“In the Heavens Are Parents Single?”: Report No. 1

Articles/Essays – Volume 17, No. 1

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