

The Love of a Prophet

Joseph Fielding Smith is a name that has been known to the Latter-day Saints for well over sixty years. His leadership and counsel have been manifest in the leading councils of the Church since his…

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Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

For the most part, Mormons have been a socially homogeneous people. True, the initial Anglo-American stock was reinforced from time to time by immigrants from Western Europe, but these converts were quickly absorbed into the Church’s social and cultural mainstream. Although successful missions were established among the Indians and especially among the Polynesians, it was nevertheless the English-speaking white Americans who gave the Church its leadership and set the tone of its culture.

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Revolution and Mormonism in Asia: What the Church Might Offer a Changing Society

Asia is a land of revolution, a land where a complex of revolutions are inter related in such a way that one phase is not understood independent of the others, nor of the traditions from which they stem. These revolutionary trends are creating rapid changes throughout Asian society, one of which is a search for a new stability, and this greatly influences the development of Mormonism in Asia, including the kinds of people it attracts and its relative success or failure in sustaining activity and building a strong organization. 

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God and Man in History

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sees both God and man in a temporal, that i§^ historical,’ context, but it has developed no authoritative, systematic statement of the philosophical implications of historical relationships. It has no official philosophy of history. What follows, therefore, are simply reflections on some problems which relate to the religious affirmations of the L.D.S. people and a tentative approach to my personal philosophy of history. 

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  What ever shadow of doubt may have been cast on one’s loyalty to the Mormon Church through association with Dialogue (especially during the early years) has certainly been dispelled by some recent events.…

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Recent Scholarship on New World Archaeology | Carrol L. Riley, J. Charles Kelley, Campbell W. Pennington, and Robert L. Rands, eds., Man Across the Sea: Problems in Pre-Columbian Contacts, and Cyrus Gordon, Before Columbus: Links Between the Old World and Ancient America

Latter-day Saints have long had an interest in pre-Columbian ocean travel. Americanist scholars, with a few notable exceptions such as Gordon Ekholm, J. Charles Kelley and a few others, have in the past either rejected…

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The Godfather | Francis Ford Coppola, dir., The Godfather

I drove to the city to see “The Godfather.” I worried about it because it had an “R” rating. By way of comparison, “The Graduate” is now rated only “PG,” despite those lurid bed scenes with Mrs. Robinson, and the frequent taking of the Lord’s name in vain. So because “The Godfather” was rated “R,” I expected the worst. Half way to Idaho Falls, I nearly turned back. But now I can report to you that “The Godfather” is not deserving of its “R” rating. It’s relatively clean. 

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