Justice, Solidarity, and the Spirit of Elijah

During Moroni’s 1823 visit to Joseph Smith, he repeats the prophecy written in the fourth chapter of Malachi, although with a slight change in wording.[1] Later Joseph interpreted Malachi’s prophecy as referring to a “welding…

Letters to the Editor – Udall

Dialogue 2.2 (Summer 1967): 5–7
In this important historical letter, Stewart Udall reflects on the need for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  to reconsider its historical stance on race, particularly its practice of denying full fellowship to Black individuals. Udall argues that this practice, rooted in the belief in a divine curse on Black people, contradicts the principles of equality and brotherhood that the Church should embody. He concludes asserting that the time has come for the Church to abandon its racial restrictions and embrace full fellowship with Black individuals. He argues that recognizing the worth of all people, irrespective of race, is essential for the Church to fulfill its spiritual and moral ideals and to contribute positively to society’s progress toward greater human brotherhood.

The Secular Binary of Joseph Smith’s Translations

Dialogue 54.3 (Fall 2021): 1–40
The debate about Joseph Smith’s translations have primarily assumed that the translation was commensurable and focuses upon theories of authorial involvement of Joseph Smith.

The Third Nephite

Shortly after sunrise Otis Wadby was driving to work in Circleville. He stayed nights with his son in Junction, his wife having expelled him from his home in Circleville because he had taken up with…

Dialogue Digital Premium Articles for $1.99 Each

*Now Available! The Fall 2012 Issue’s premium digital articles are ready to download! Each is just $1.99. Grab some of the best of the best from Mormon academic conferences including UVU Mormon Studies Conference, the Mormon History Association Conference, the BYU Women’s Studies Conference, the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research Conference, the Mormon Scholars Foundation Summer Fellowship Conference, the Association of Mormon Letters Conference, and the Mormon Scholars in the Humanities Conference. Plus more!*
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Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: “A Child’s Christmas in Utah” a story by Wayne Carver
Here’s a taste:
“Overhead the attic creaks as the old house sways a little in the winter chill that comes down on a black wind from the black mountains to the east and moves through the valley and across the salt lake and into all the years to come — but that cannot touch the bed-covering warmth of a Christmas that is past.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: “A Child’s Christmas in Utah” a story by Wayne Carver
Here’s a taste:
“Overhead the attic creaks as the old house sways a little in the winter chill that comes down on a black wind from the black mountains to the east and moves through the valley and across the salt lake and into all the years to come — but that cannot touch the bed-covering warmth of a Christmas that is past.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.