Kim B. Ostman

KIM B. ÖSTMAN is a doctoral student of comparative religion at !bo Akademi University, Finland, focusing on the relationship between Mormonism and Finn￾ish society. He is a doctoral student in the field of radio-frequency microelectron￾ics, works as a researcher at Tampere University of Technology, Finland, and is one of the founders of the European Mormon Studies Association (EMSA). He presented the original version of this paper at the Joseph Smith and Mormonism Symposium, University of Turku, Finland, February 2, 2006. An expanded ver￾sion was published as “Mormonismin tutkimus Suomessa: Kirjallisuutta, tutkimusideoita ja lähteitä” in the online Finnish comparative religion journal Uskonnontutkija [Researcher of Religion] 1, no. 2 (2006), http://www. The present article is a further updated version.

“The Other” in the Limelight: One Perspective on the Publicity Surrounding the New LDS Temple in Finland

Articles/Essays – Volume 40, No. 4

Dialogue 40.4 (2007): 70–105
The purpose of this article is to begin filling that gap by discussing some of the publicity accompanying the recently built Helsinki FinlandTemple, located in the southern Finland city of Espoo.

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The Scholarly Study of Mormonism in Finland: An Overview of Literature, Research Ideas, and Sources

Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 2

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