Heidi Naylor

HEIDI NAYLOR {[email protected]} teaches English at Boise State University. Her short story collection, Revolver, was published by BCC Press in April 2018.


Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 2

Tell us the dream where you entered the mountain
and left all your gold for the dawn

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Commitment Beyond Custom | Michael Fillerup, The Year They Gave Women the Priesthood and Other Stories

Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 4

I once had a bishop who was as guileless as he was faithful, a good and generous man who worked hard and loved us, his ward members, tirelessly. He liked to tell our ward’s young…

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Backwards Pioneers

Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 1

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Review: Can Faith Survive Choice and Circumstance? Jack Harrell. Caldera Ridge.

Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 4

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The Home Teacher

Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 2

Bishop warned Brock Hartman ahead of time. “They’ll ask for a food order.”  He opened a desk drawer and took out a binder filled with requisitions for the storehouse.  “But they have a decent income…

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