Gary James Bergera
GARY JAMES BERGERA {[email protected]} is the managing director of the Smith-Pettit Foundation and the company director of Signature Books Publishing.
Review: A Private Revelation William Victor Smith. Textual Studies of the Doctrine and Covenants: The Plural Marriage Revelation
Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 4
Review: Priesthood Power Jonathan A. Stapley. The Power of Godliness: Mormon Liturgy and Cosmology download
Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 3
Review: The History that Dares Speak Its Name J. Seth Anderson. LGBT Salt Lake
Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 2
Seth Anderson’s slim book, part of Arcadia Publishing’s multi-volume Images of Modern America photographic series, is much more than an important new contribution to Utah and LDS history. It is a revelation— a surprising, unexpected…
Read moreThe Orson Pratt-Brigham Young Controversies: Conflict Within the Quorums, 1853 to 1868
Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 2
Brigham Young and Orson Pratt are both regarded as valiant leaders during the first generation of the restored Church. Both worked mightily in the missionary field and showed themselves stalwart defenders of the faith. Yet…
Read moreGrey Matters
Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 1
Last fall a new publication appeared at Brigham Young University, “an independent student weekly,” The Seventh East Press. Its first stated reason for going into business was that “[t]here is no publication that puts in…
Read moreOrson Pratt: Prolific Pamphleteer
Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 3
The most prolific and perhaps most influential early Mormon pamphleteer was Orson Pratt. From his conversion in 1830 to his death in 1881, he authored over thirty works on both religious and scientific topics. Influential…
Read moreWhat You Leave Behind: Six Years at the MTC
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 1
Even now, nearly eleven years later, I can still see his face—shocked, fearful, and deeply pained. I’d been working for almost four months at the newly constructed, multi-million dollar Language Training Mission, as the Missionary…
Read moreGod’s Hand in Mormon History | Richard O. Cowan, The Church in the Twentieth Century: The Impressive Story of the Advancing Kingdom
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 2
For Richard O. Cowan, a professor of LDS history at Brigham Young University specializing in twentieth-century Mormon ism, the history of the Mormon kingdom is not only the religious success story of the last 2,000…
Read moreA Strange Phenomena: Ernest L. Wilkinson, the LDS Church, and Utah Politics
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 2
For Ernest Leroy Wilkinson, successful Washington, D.C., lawyer and seventh president of Brigham Young University, campaign politics was a game he could never master. From his rowdy youth in Ogden, Utah’s notorious Hell’s Half-Acre district, where blind eyes turned to cock-fighting and bootlegging, he had been fascinated by the nature and use of power. By the time he was fifty, he had secured a string of hard-won national victories as a tenacious and intimidating legalist. But the lure of politics remained the one attraction, despite other professional and personal accomplishments, he could not resist.
Read moreBuilding Wilkinson’s University
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 3
During his twenty years from 1951 to 1971 as seventh president of BYU, Ernest L. Wilkinson molded the lackluster Provo school into a showplace of LDS educational values. “More than any other single cause,” his successor observed, “[Wilkinson’s] remarkable and relentless leadership … is the key to the present stature of Brigham Young University.”
Read moreFriendly History | Glen M. Leonard, Nauvoo: A Place of Peace, A People of Promise
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 3
Glen Leonard’s long-awaited history of Nauvoo is friendly history at its finest. It gently questions some deeply held beliefs about the Saints’ tumultuous sojourn at the fringes of western Illinois. The writing is read able…
Read moreThe Earliest Eternal Sealing for Civilly Married Couples Living and Dead
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 3
During the early 1840S, founding Mormon prophet Joseph Smith introduced members of his young church to the ordinances of baptism for the dead (1840), eternal marriage (1841), and eternal proxy marriage (1842). These ordinances, and the doctrine underpinning them, united Smith’s beliefs in obedience to divine law, the importance of mortality, and the eternal nature of the family.
Read moreIdentifying the Earliest Mormon Polygamists, 1841-1844
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 3
Dialogue 38.3 (Spring 2004): 1–74
Bergera uses evidence from plural wives to show who some of the first polygamists were in the church.
“Rising above Principle”: Ezra Taft Benson as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture 1953-61 Part 1
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 3
“Weak-Kneed Republicans and Socialist Democrats”: Ezra Taft Benson as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture 1953-61
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 4
The Richard D. Poll and J. Kenneth Davies Cases: Politics and Religion at BYU during the Wilkinson Years
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 1