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Dear Friends of Dialogue, I am asking for your financial support. Dialogue has thrived for nearly six decades because of the subscribers and donors who share a vision of thoughtful and rigorous scholarship, deeply personal…

The Seeking Heavenly Mother Project: Understanding and Claiming Our Power to Connect with Her

Dialogue 55.1 (Spring 2022): 169–178
Our goal is for the Seeking Heavenly Mother Project to have this empowering effect on all who participate. We see a strong need to ensure that our community is inclusive and intersectional, creating spaces wherein LGBTQ+ individuals and other members of marginalized groups can be affirmed in the knowledge that they too are created in the image of God.

Dialogue Announces 2009 Contest Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2009 Dialogue writing contests. Dialogue Best of the Year Awards Dialogue Best of the Year Awards are for contributions judged as superior in their respective categories:…

Winter 2012 Issue

By Brian ChristensenFor those with premium access, the Winter 2012 issue is up and begins with two path-breaking articles—Stephen Taysom frames a discussion of the gold plates in terms of Robert Orsi’s theory of “abundant events,” and Walter Van Beek uses the history of the Dutch temple to ask important questions about how temples work within communities to create sacred space. There are also two wonderful personal essays—one lighthearted, one wrenching, both deeply thoughtful. The Fiction section offers stories from two of the best Mormon storytellers of their generations—Levi Peterson and Jack Harrell. Excellent new poetry, curated by new poetry editor Tyler Chadwick, and several informative and thought-provoking book reviews round out the issue. The issue concludes with a talk by Russell Hancock, on learning to pray on one’s feet as well as one’s knees—finding a way forward to spiritual growth and confidence even in the absence of unmistakable spiritual manifestations.
If you don’t have premium access, you can purchase individual articles for $1.99 each, pick up the entire issue for $15.00, or become a subscriber and enjoy Dialogue content for an entire year!

Review: Jane Barnes, “Falling in Love with Joseph Smith: My Search for the Real Prophet”

barnesTitle: Falling in Love with Joseph Smith: My Search for the Real Prophet
In this quirky autobiographical biography of Joseph Smith the Mormon prophet, writer Jane Barnes offers an overview of Smith’s life intertwined with her own life experiences of love, loss and death.
Barnes became acquainted with Mormonism largely through her work on the PBS documentary, The Mormons. Hearing stories about Joseph Smith, researching the works of Fawn Brodie and Richard Bushman, meeting with the LDS missionaries, all of these things drew out Barnes’s deeply felt religious need (261). She interweaves her interpretation of Smith with her own life experiences—leaving her family to pursue a lesbian relationship gives her a different view of Smith’s socially deviant polygamy, for example. She is struck to discover her own Mormon roots, ancestors who were present at key turning points in the Mormon story.

New Gospel Topics Page

abeThe church just released a new Gospel Topics page: Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham. Inside it looks at the papyrus, the history, the translation, and discusses many of the issues scholars and members are currently discussing regarding this enigmatic book of scripture.
Jana Riess summarizes the new topic in her article “Why Mormons need the Book of Abraham” and David Bokovoy talks about what he found important with Doug Fabrizio in the RadioWest podcast “Scripture, Translation, and Belief.”
Plus be sure to check out Dialogue’s own topic page regarding the “Book of Abraham” with important discussions and resources for further study.

Dialogue Out Loud Presents The New Calling

Listen on Spotify. Listen on Apple. I accepted the new calling, of course. Without reservation. My father raised me to always go wherever God asks me to go and all. Even though I suspected that…