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Another Angel

[…] one day was equal to a thousand years. Somebody was doing genealogy work and found a hundred-year-old newspaper on their doorstep one morning. Utah looks just like the Holy Land turned upside down, and […]

Field Walking

[…] and thrills her. Today, she thinks, will be a movie day. She’ll head to the library and stock up on a few films she’s been meaning to see but hasn’t made time for.  She […]

On Mormon Music and Musicians

[…] or art or theater or . . . allied fields. . . .” (Italics added). The Deseret News report of the Wilkinson statement continued: “Talented young people who belong to the Church . . […]


[…] any of the matters I do not cover. I am not going to speak in any detail today . . . about Vietnam. But I would be glad to answer any questions about my […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] requiring Israeli withdrawal from Arab lands after the June war, as Eisenhower did after the 1956 adventure. Americans, and particularly high-principled Mormons, should ask themselves now the question Eisenhower posed in a nationwide address […]

The Chicano Student Union and Middle Age

[…] because I wasn’t making enough money. Another time I was interviewed by the manager of a grocery market who wanted to hire me, but the division manager would not let him because he felt […]

The Mormon Congressman and the Line Between Church and State

[…] ratings are taken from the ACA Index, First Session, 89th Congress (1965), pp. 7-35.  See The Deseret News, editorial page, March 9, 1965; and Hugh B. Brown, “October Conference Address,” The Improvement Era, LXVI […]