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Pray Without Ceasing

The scriptures often admonish us to pray continuously. Note that I said “continuously,” not “continually.” “Continually” means repeated with interruptions, but “continuously” means without interruptions. Paul tells the saints in Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing”…

Dialogue Editor Search Announcement

Dialogue’s Board of Directors announces a search for a new editor-in-chief to begin in 2024.  Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought has long served as the journal of record for the intellectual and cultural life…

Genetics and Gathering the House of Israel

Questions from My Past Listen to an interview about this piece here. My patriarchal blessing indicates that I am a literal descendant of Ephraim and heir to specific blessings and promises. But what does this…

By the Numbers

Listen to the Out Loud version of the piece here. Masked and gowned, Isa stood in the corner of the operating room next to his son Cael. Three surgeons stood around the operating table and…

Burden or Pleasure? A Profile of LDS Polygamous Husbands

Dialogue 20.4 (Winter 1987): 158–166
Despite what researchers have said over the years regarding for why men married plural wives, Embry argues that a significant portion of husbands married plural wives because of their religious beliefs.

There is Work to Do First

Introduction I and many Mormons ache to apologize for our 130-year practice of excluding people of Black African ancestry from temple and priesthood participation. We long to apologize for our community’s attempts during and afterwards…