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Mormon Women and the Right to Wage Work

[…] of the General Authorities; and sermons typically addressed issues of doctrine and accommodation. Articles from the Deseret News, however, indicate a marked decline of popular support for female employment during this time. For example, […]

From Great Heights

[…] Shannon, right?”  “Carolyn,” Norman corrected, “and funny you ask. We’re getting married.”  “That poor girl,” Erica said, breaking her bored silence. She thumbed through a Cosmopolitan and yawned.  “She’s always so sarcastic in the […]

Entertaining Angels Unaware

[…] tide, to where rolls of ocean water lifted a line of orange buoys on their crests before breaking against the rock wall that les rochelais had built four hundred years earlier. Charlotte had told […]

The Spalding Theory Then and Now

[…] American Cyclopedia, which informed its readership that “as early as 1813 this work was announced in the newspapers as forthcoming, and as containing a translation of the ‘Book of Mormon.’” Another example of the […]


[…] Mormons will remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news. I was in a school meeting some ten miles away from my home when a secretary […]