Kent E. Robson
Kent Robson, who now teaches philosophy at Utah State University
The Bible, the Church, and Its Scholars
In Professor Snell’s article and in the response to it by Professor Sperry, one finds the work of two committed members of the Church, who nevertheless appear to differ greatly on their interpretation of the…
Read more“Man” and the Telefinalist Trap
Far too often, I suspect, when people begin to talk about men, their talk wells up out of strong feelings and emotional views and such talk pricks us deeply if we have contrary views. After…
Read moreVoices of Freedom in Eastern Europe: Communists, and Then Communists
We wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that two (or more) different Mor mons in good standing have rather different attitudes and opinions. Aside from matters of Church doctrine, they may belong to opposing…
Read moreThe Magnitude of the Nuclear Arms Race
From primitive rocks and clubs to the present nuclear arsenals, the history of warfare is characterized by the dramatic increase in the number of civilians killed in each war and by scale changes in our…
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