
Joanna Brooks on "On Being" with Krista Tippett

October 24, 2011

A Mormon is once again in the national spotlight, this time it’s Joanna Brooks who works to demystify Mormons on “On Being” with host Krista Tippett.
From the producer: “Enjoy an inside perspective of the Mormon universe with journalist Joanna Brooks. She helps us understand the emergence of a viable Mormon presidential candidate as a “white-knuckle” moment — a moment of self-searching. From an unorthodox perspective, she sheds a candid, genuinely informative light on what some are calling this “Mormon moment” in American life: on Broadway, on TV, and in presidential politics. Brooks is also a scholar who also blogs at Religion Dispatches and Ask Mormon Girl, an online community of questioning for Mormons of many stripes. One of the most prominent recurring themes on the blog is what Brooks calls “faith transitions” — people young and old asking new questions and growing in new directions, often while remaining faithful to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
This special “Mormon Demystified” hour of radio will be broadcast on more than 250 public radio stations across the U.S. — and will have a vibrant life on air and online.