
Dialogue Old Testament Gospel Study with Rachel Hunt Steenblik on Heavenly Mother

May 9, 2022

Rachel Hunt Steenblik founded the TinyKindness movement in 2019 as a natural extension to her work in feminism and philosophy. She is currently a professor of Philosophy teaching undergraduate courses at Kean University at the campus in Wenzhou, China. Rachel’s work focuses primarily on women, mothers, and the power and importance of telling true stories. She authored Mother’s Milk: Poems in Search of Heavenly Mother and I Gave Her a Name with By Common Consent Press and co-edited Mormon Feminism: Essential Writings with Joanna Brooks and Hannah Wheelwright for Oxford University Press. She previously wrote for the Exponent Blog, and completed PhD coursework in philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont Graduate University, and has a Masters in library and information science from Simmons University and a bachelors in philosophy from Brigham Young University.