
Dialogue Book Report #14: Mormon Book Roundup, January 2021

February 4, 2022

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Participants: Andrew Hall, Cristina Rosetti, Andrew Hamilton

Books discussed:

Spencer W. McBride. Joseph Smith for President: The Prophet, the Assassins, and the Fight for American Religious Freedom
Virginia Kerns. Sally in Three Worlds: An Indian Captive in the House of Brigham Young
Chase Westfall. Great Awakening: Vision and Synthesis in Latter-day Saint Contemporary Art
George D. Smith, ed. Brigham Young, Colonizer of the American West
Konden Smith. The Reed Smoot Hearings
Blair Ostler. Queer Mormon Theology
Creative nonfiction:
Charles Shirō Inouye. Zion Earth, Zen Sky
Samuel M. Brown, Where the Soul Hungers: One Doctor’s Journey from Atheism to Faith
Karin Anderson and Danielle Dubrasky, editors. Blossom as the Cliffrose: Mormon Legacies and the Beckoning Wild
Taylor Kerby. Scrupulous
Alison Hong Merrill. Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops
Biography and criticism:
Terryl Givens. Stretching the Heavens: Eugene England and the Crisis of Modern Mormonism
Kristine L. Hagulund. Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal
Michael Austin. Vardis Fisher: A Mormon Novelist
Chris Wei, editor. Mormonism and the Movies
Mark Elwood. The Glass Looker, Vol. 1
Noah Van Sciver. Joseph Smith and the Mormons
Matt Page. Future-Day Saints 2: The Gnolaumite Crystal
Shannon Hale, LeYuen Pham. Forever Friends
J.Butler and Aaron Michael Ritchey. The Jupiter Knife