Walter E. A. Van Beek
WALTER E. A. VAN BEEK {[email protected]}) holds the chair of Anthropology of Religion at Tilburg University and is Senior Researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden. He has done extensive fieldwork in West Africa, i.e. among the Dogon of Mali and the Kapsiki of North Cameroon, on which he has published widely. Recently his monograph on Kapiki religion appeared at Oxford UP: The Dancing Dead; Ritual and Religion among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria, 2012. As ‘participant expert’ of Mormonism he has published a series of articles on LDS Mormonism in Europe, specifically in the Netherlands, in Dialogue and the International Journal of Mormon Studies. As a former stake president he is now high priest group leader and the proud grandfather of eleven grandchildren.
Ethnization and Accommodation: Dutch Mormons in Twenty-first-century Europe
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 1
Alongside Utrecht’s largest canal, the nineteenth-century Neo-Gothic Martinuschurch dominates the centuries-old waterfront houses. Far be neath its glistening spire, the little entrance square, with a statue of the warrior saint Martinus at the center, bristles…
Read moreMormon Europeans or European Mormons? An “”Afro-European”” View on Religious Colonization
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 4
The Temple and the Sacred: Dutch Temple Experiences
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 4
Dialogue 47.1 (Spring 2012): 104–123
First, the history of the temple project will be shown from the Dutch perspective, with a discussion of some of the observable effects on the Dutch saints, one of them being a large drop in temple attendance.