Vincent C. Rampton
VINCENT C. RAMPTON is a practicing attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah, father of six children, and a counselor in the Parley's Fourth Ward bishopric.
The Noon of Life: Mid-Life Transition in the Married LDS Priesthood Holder
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 1
The ancient Chinese curse has plainly caught up with the LDS church over the past decade—never have the Saints lived in more interesting times. The recent whirlwind of world political changes has opened up mission fields undreamed of only a few years ago, faster almost than we can respond. It has also made us the target of anti-American sentiment and violence. Yet, in spite of all, church membership has now reached nine million.
Read moreThe Fire of God: Thoughts on the Nature of Divine Witness
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 4
For many members of the LDS church, the word “testimony” calls up images stretched over a lifetime: fervent declarations uttered in half darkness around waning campfires, quiet successions of stories and assurances in sunwashed chapels,…
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