Thora Qaddumi

THORA QADDUMI {[email protected]} is a retired newspaper journalist and lifelong active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, currently serving on the Houston Texas Stake’s Unity Committee. Thora’s great￾est joy is her and Maher’s religiously diverse family. Anan and his Palestinian Muslim wife and four children live next door to them in Houston, Texas, and their younger daughter lives across the street. They frequently also see Halla and their French son-in-law, who live in Hanoi, Vietnam, and their younger son and his French wife and son, who live in Dubai.

Miracles Upon Miracles for Maher

Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3

Many years ago, my husband was saved by a series of remarkable events. Or miracles? Our international Muslim and Mormon family, which now includes four adult children, their spouses, and a growing number of grandchildren,…

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