Terryl L. Givens
TERRYL L. GIVENS {[email protected]} is the Jabez A. Bostwick Professor of English at the University of Richmond. He has published in literary theory, British and European Romanticism, Mormon studies, and intellectual history. With Fiona Givens, he has published The Christ Who Heals (Deseret, 2017); The Crucible of Doubt (Deseret 2014), and The God Who Weeps (Deseret, 2012). Current projects include The Pearl of Greatest Price: Mormonism’s Beleaguered Scripture (with Brian Hauglid, Oxford, 2019); Stretching the Heavens: Eugene England, Mormonism, and the Dilemmas of Discipleship (UNC Press, 2020); and What Everyone Needs to Know About Mormonism (Oxford, 2020).
Heretics in Truth: Love, Faith, and Hope as the Foundation for Theology, Community, and Destiny
Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 4
Protocols of the (Other) Elders of Zion | Andrew F. Smith, ed., The History of the Saints, 3d edition, by John C. Bennett
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 4
One may impute two possible rationales to the decision by the University of Illinois Press to reprint an 1842 expose of Joseph Smith and Mor monism. Its re-publication may represent an appreciation for its value…
Read moreThe Book of Mormon and Religious Epistemology
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3
In his important study of Language, Belief, and Experience, the ethnographer Rodney Needham tells of a dream which disturbed his sleep one night. He found himself among a people he had once studied, the Penan of Borneo, struggling to converse with them in their native tongue. He was distressed to realize he could not translate one particular phrase: “I believe in God.”
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