Taisha Ostler
TAISHA OSTLER {[email protected]} holds an MFA in creative writing from Brigham Young University. Much of her writing centers around nature, womanhood, and relationships. As a mother of twin boys, Taisha’s life is full of knock-knock jokes and Minecraft gaming. She currently lives in Taylorsville, Utah, with her husband and children.
Dear Heavenly Mother
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 1
Dialogue 55.1 (Spring 2022): 167
I am encouraged by small changes, but change takes time. For now, I will speak your name. I will make you part of our eternal narrative. I will share your love and stop myself from looking past you. I will teach my children to see your light and be lifted by your strength, that they will speak your name as easily as they do Father’s—for both of you are part of their eternal makings.