Steven C. Walker

STEVEN C. WALKER, associate professor of English at Brigham Young University, lives in Provo. He is co-author of A Book of Mormons.

Joseph Smith: “The Gift of Seeing”

Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 2

Dialogue 15.2 (Summer 1982): 48–68
Van Wagoner and Walker focus on the seer stones that Joseph Smith used in the Book of Mormon translation process.

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“Like There’s No Tomorrow”

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 2

I suspect you’re less interested in such talk than Shakespeare and I. I’m twenty years closer to death than most of you, and poor Will is centuries gone. But you’re closer than you think. And it may be that all of us would do well to get, in some ways, closer still. For a people who manage to watch 251 murders a year on TV, we Americans—and more especially we Mormons—give death short shrift. 

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Saints You Can Sink Your Teeth Into | William G. Hartley, Kindred Saints: The Mormon Immigrant Heritage of Alvin and Kathryn Christensen

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 4

With us, someone else’s genealogy ranks right up there with reading the tele phone directory or watching someone else’s home movies. Most Mormon family histories are about as much fun as funerals. Thus, it was…

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The “Lectures on Faith”: A Case Study in Decanonization

Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 3

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