Ryan McIlvain
RYAN MCILVAIN {[email protected]} is a current Stegner Fellow in Fiction at Stanford University. His stories and essays have appeared in The Paris Review, The Potomac Review, The Chattahoochee Review, and other magazines. His short story “Keep It Bible” received an honorable mention in The Best American Short Stories 2009 and The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2009.
Articles/Essays – Volume 42, No. 1
At nineteen, a Mormon missionary in Brazil, I felt foreign in every part, torn from language. “Boy, it’s cold out,” I’d quip to the natives. “No, Elder, hot” they’d say. “The word is hot.” At…
Read moreThe Canyon That is Not a Canyon
Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 3
This is Dagan on the day after a 4 a.m. porn binge. Another. The third in as many weeks. He drifts into the living room in late afternoon, sees Tam at his computer, freezes. He…
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