Richard Sleegers
RICHARD SLEEGERS {[email protected]} lectures in philosophy, ethics, spirituality, and qualitative research methods at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where he lives with his wife Sarah, two sons and two daughters. He completed a Masters’ in Philosophy and in Education, focusing on hermeneutical phenomenology and the philosophy of religion. He eventually landed in the social sciences and is currently researching ethical and cultural dilemma’s in both social work and health care for a minor program “Spirituality in Social Work” and for a Lectorate for “Health care sustainability.” He also leads the student advisory board at his faculty and is involved in creating curriculum for “Bildung,” to help social workers to be more spiritually and culturally sensitive. In his spare time Richard interests in Mormon studies and other theo-philosophical topics, one of which is interfaith dialogue. He especially reaches out to the Muslim community and volunteers as strategic advisor and researcher for a youth intervention in Nijmegen that uses soccer to motivate youth to succeed at school and help in their urban communities. He likes dialoguing about deep doctrine (like Socrates) and writing about it (like Plato).
Pedagogy of Perfection: Joseph Smith’s Perfectionism, How It was Taught in the Early LDS Church, and Its Contemporary Applicability
Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 4
Dialogue 51.4 (Winter 2018): 105–143
Richard Sleegers contrasts 19th century Protestant teachings about salvations to what Joseph Smith taught about life after death.