Richard Bushman
RICHARD LYMAN BUSHMAN {[email protected]} with his wife, Claudia, taught a course on contemporary Mormonism at Columbia University in the spring of 2012. He is currently working on a study of eighteenth-century American farming and a cultural history of Joseph Smith’s gold plates.
Taking Mormonism Seriously
Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 2
In his article on the quest for authority in early Mormonism, Mario De Pillis contends that “the question of the historical origins of Mormonism must ever remain central” in any exchange between Mormons and non-Mormons.…
Read moreIntroduction: The Future of Mormonism
Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 3
Preface The articles in this section reveal the strength and vibrancy of current Mormon historiography. In December, 1965, in connection with the meetings of the American Historical Association at San Francisco, approximately 100 Mormon historians,…
Read moreThe First Vision Story Revived
Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 1
The Reverend Mr. Walters’ article on the first vision raised quite a stir among Mormon scholars when an early version circulated about a year and a half ago. The essay was clearly another piece of…
Read moreFaithful History
Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 4
Written history rarely survives the three score and ten years allotted to the men who write it. Countless histories of the French Revolution have moved on to the library shelves since 1789, and no end…
Read moreThe Historians and Mormon Nauvoo
Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 1
Were a nineteenth-century Mormon to assess the current scholarly literature on the Mormons in Illinois, or on Mormon history in general for that matter, he would probably be perplexed. While compelled to admit that the…
Read moreThe Hill Version of the Prophet’s Life | Donna Hill, Joseph Smith, the First Mormon
Articles/Essays – Volume 11, No. 1
Prospective Latter-day Saint readers of Donna Hill’s biography of Joseph Smith will want to know two things: Is there anything new, and is it sympathetic to the Prophet? The answer to both questions is definitely…
Read moreBrigham as Moses | Eugene England, Brother Brigham
Articles/Essays – Volume 14, No. 1
The major theme of Eugene England’s biography is the flowering of Brigham Young’s personality. His strict Methodist upbringing suppressed Brigham’s natural forces and made him a watchful, cautious, somewhat skeptical young man. The Gospel, Joseph…
Read moreThe Crisis in Europe and Hugh B. Brown’s First Mission Presidency
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 2
Mary Firmage, daughter of President Hugh B. Brown, has recently deposited a large collection of her father’s personal letters in the Church Archives. President Brown wrote part of this correspondence while he was mission president…
Read moreWould Joseph Smith Attend the New York Stake Arts Festival?
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 3
Recently, Latter-day Saint artists and writers in New York City have been searching for ways to recognize one another. I don’t mean recognize in the sense of honoring, but recognize as in encountering one another’s…
Read moreMormon History Association Conference: Comment on “Conversion in 19th Century Mormonism: Identities and Associations in the Atlantic World”
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 3