Philip L. Barlow

PHILIP L. BARLOW {[email protected]}, Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture, joined the faculty at Utah State University in 2007. He earned a BA from Weber State College and an MTS and PhD (1988, with an emphasis on religion and Ameri￾can culture and on the history of Christianity) from Harvard Uni￾versity. He spent two years as a Mellon Fellow at the University of Rochester after which he became professor of theological studies at Hanover College in Indiana. While teaching at Hanover Col￾lege, Barlow was the recipient of Hanover’s Arthur and Ilene Baynham Award for Outstanding Teaching in 1995 and 2001. In addition to articles, essays, and reviews, Barlow has published Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); the New His￾torical Atlas of Religion in America (New York: Oxford, 2000, co-authored with Edwin Scott Gaustad); and, as co-editor with Mark Silk, Religion and Public Life in the Midwest: America’s Com￾mon Denominator? (Lanham, Md.: AltaMira Press, 2004). He is past president of the Mormon History Association.

Why the King James Version?: From the Common to the Official Bible of Mormonism

Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 2

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Roundtable on Massacre at Mountain Meadows

Articles/Essays – Volume 42, No. 1

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“Questions at the Veil”

Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 3

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