McArthur Krishna
MCARTHUR KRISHNA {[email protected]} is a shameless storyteller. Harnessing that mojo, she graduated with a master’s degree in communications from BYU and then co-owned an award-winning ideas-marketing business for thirteen years to tell stories focusing on the most important issues facing the world. In 2011, she retired from that business, moved to the magic land of India, became a mom, and started writing books. One decade and seventeen books later, she’s still sassy and telling stories.
Guides to Heavenly Mother: An Interview with McArthur Krishna and Bethany Brady Spalding
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 1
Dialogue 55.1 (Spring 2022): 135-166
When Dialogue asked us to write a personal article about our process of writing A Girl’s Guide to Heavenly Mother (D Street Press, 2020), we were delighted.