Marti Dickey Esplin

MARTI DICKEY ESPLIN is a student at the University of Utah and resides in Salt Lake City with her husband, Fred, and four children.

Mary Ann

Articles/Essays – Volume 19, No. 3

It was one of those crisp November days in Hershey, Pennsylvania, when I heard the news. Snuggled under a quilt, I was reading to my two young sons when the telephone interrupted us. It was…

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The Unfettered Faithful: An Analysis of the Dialogue Subscribers Survey

Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 1

During the spring of 1984, the editors of DIALOGUE sent a short questionnaire to all of its then-2,300 subscribers plus 600 who had let their subscriptions lapse in the previous year. At that point, the journal had been edited in Salt Lake City for exactly two years.

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