Marianne T. Watson

MARIANNE T. WATSON works as a freelance genealogist and family historian. She resides in South Jordan, Utah, and is the mother of nine and the grandmother of six. She was born and raised in plural marriage within a fundamentalist Mormon community (the "Allred" group) where she learned a love of Mormon hisrory. When she was eighteen, her grand￾mother asked her to transcribe the journals of her grandfather, a twenti￾eth-century polygamist, which sparked her interest in early fundamental￾ist Mormon history and ultimately led to a history degree at the University of Utah. She is also a graduate of the LDS Business College and Salt Lake Community College. She is a co-author with Anne Wilde and Mary Bat￾chelor of Voices in Harmony: Contemporary Women Celebrate Plural Marriage (Salt Lake City: Principle Voices, 2000). She presented earlier versions of this paper at the Western History Association Conference, October 14, 2005, Scottsdale, Arizona, and at the Mormon History Association an￾nual meeting, May 27, 2006, Casper, Wyoming.

Short Creek: A Refuge for the Saints

Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 1

Dialogue 36.3 (Spring 2003): 71–87
Watson shares why early fundamentalists broke off from the main church  and decided to leave Utah and settle Short Creek.

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The 1948 Secret Marriage of Louis J. Barlow: Origins of FLDS Placement Marriage

Articles/Essays – Volume 40, No. 1

Dialogue 40.1 (Spring 2007): 83–136
Watson explains how the secret marriage of Louis J. Barlow to a 15-year-old girl caused a major rift among fundamentalists. Today’s fundamentalist members are still experiencing the effects of that marriage.

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