Luna Corbden
LUNA CORBDEN {[email protected]} (who also writes as Luna Lindsey) lives in Washington State. They are autistic, genderfluid, and post-Mormon. Their first story, about a hippopotamus, crawled out of their head at age four. After running out of things to say about hippopotami, they switched to scifi, fantasy, and horror. Their stories have appeared in the Journal of Unlikely Entomology, Penumbra eMag, and Crossed Genres. They tweet like a bird @ corbden and blog about Mormonism at www.recoveringagency.com. Their novel, Emerald City Dreamer, is about faeries in Seattle and the women who hunt them.
In the Garden of Babel
Articles/Essays – Volume 53, No. 1
Eldria is a technician on a team that has unlocked the secret to prayer. The learning machine has labored for years. It has uttered prayers both ancient and fresh, rote and random, then monitored weather…
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