Kevin L. Barney
Kevi n L. Barney {[email protected]} studied classics at Brigham Young University (BA) and law at the University of Illinois ( JD) and DePaul University (LLM in Taxation). He is the managing partner of the Chicago office of Kutak Rock LLP, where he practices tax-exempt finance law. He has published several articles with, and previously served on the board of, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. He and his wife Sandy have two children.
A Commentary on Joseph Smith’s Revision of First Corinthians
Articles/Essays – Volume 53, No. 2
Dialogue 53.2 (Summer 2020): 57–106
Although Smith desired to publish the new translation, circumstances were such that publication at that time was not possible.
The Joseph Smith Translation and Ancient Texts of the Bible
Articles/Essays – Volume 19, No. 3
The question this essay attempts to answer is whether the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (JST) represents in any way a restoration of text that originally existed in ancient manuscripts but was later altered…
Read moreJoseph Smith’s Emendation of Hebrew Genesis 1:1
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 4
In the fall of 1980 I was a student in a biblical Hebrew course taught by Professor Keith Meservy at Brigham Young University. One day Professor Meservy shared with the class a letter that had…
Read moreReflections on the Documentary Hypothesis
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 1
The Editors of Dialogue have invited me to respond to Thomas Doze man’s article, “The Authorship of the Pentateuch,” which appeared in the previous issue.[1] The development of the Documentary Hypothesis is a fascinating chapter…
Read moreHow to Worship Our Mother in Heaven (Without Getting Excommunicated)
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 4
Dialogue 41.4 (Winter 2008): 121–147
In this essay, I shall begin by describing what we can learn about our Mother in Heaven from the scriptures. I then will draw from those descriptions some (very modest) suggestions for how we might actually worship, or at least honor, Her in ways that should not be considered offensive or heterodox by traditionalists. This essay is therefore a little exercise in religion-making. It is my hope that I will be able to express my mediating thoughts in a way that will not be deemed offensive by those of either school of thought on the subject.
Kevin Barney Responds
Articles/Essays – Volume 42, No. 2
Dialogue 42.2 (Summer 2009): xiii–iixx
The truth is that the winners get to write the history, and itwas those who rejected Asherahwho largely redacted or wrote the Old Testament as we have ittoday. There is, quite frankly, alot of political spin in the OldTestament. I recognize that weget really nervous when we starttalking about spin in the scrip-tures. So I do not blame anyone,including you, for not wanting to follow me there.