Kathryn Knight Sonntag
KATHRYN KNIGHT SONNTAG {[email protected]} is the author of The Tree at the Center (By Common Consent Press, 2019). Her poems and essays appear in Colorado Review, The Inflectionist Review, Rock & Sling, Ethel, Psaltery & Lyre, Exponent II, Blossom as the Cliffrose: Mormon Legacies and the Beckoning Wild (Torrey House Press, 2021), and others. She holds a Master of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning degree and works as a land planner in Salt Lake City.
Ascension, after John Donne
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 1
Podcast version of this piece. Embrace the first and forever night,Heartening as this Moon journeys from crestingTo full-figured, and in this ecstasy begins to fallEarthward, pulling me down to orchards heavyAnd underground, into mysteries of…
Read moreThe Mother Tree: Understanding the Spiritual Root of Our Ecological Crisis
Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 1
Dialogue 52.1 (Spring 2019): 17–32
But the experience of women as women, their wilderness crescent,
is unshared with men—utterly other—and therefore to men, unnatural.