Kate Mower
KATE MOWER {[email protected]} (they/them) is a PhD candidate in Modern European History and History of Science at the University of California Riverside. They relocated to Constanta, Romania in 2021 to conduct dissertation research on biological determinism in Romanian archaeology, hosted by the Museum of National History and Archaeology of Constanta. They are the current historian, former board member, and former vice president of the organization Affirmation LGBTQ+ Mormons Families and Friends, and work with Romanian LGBTQI+ organizations including ACCEPT and Identity Education.
Rule of Lawyers: Latter-day Saint Entanglement in Eastern European Anti-LGBTQI+ Legislation
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 04
Dialogue 57:4 (Winter 2024) 33-66
Over the past decade, a growing and exciting body of scholarship in Mormon studies has applied critical theory to Mormon history, specifically queer and race critical theory.