Kahlile Mehr
KAHLILE MEHR holds a B.A. in Russian and M.A.s in history and library science from Brigham Young University. He has published in DIALOGUE and The Journal of Mormon History. He works as a librarian in Salt Lake City, sleeps in Centerville, and feeds a family consisting of five children, a wife, two horses, two rabbits, seven chickens, a poodle, and a black cat.
Women’s Response to Plural Marriage
Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 3
Dialogue 18.3 (Fall 1985): 84–98
Mehr shares stories of polygamy in late 19th century and early 20th century. He especially focused on LDS women’s opinions of polygamy when they entered into polygamous relationsips.
The Trial of the French Mission
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 3
Short, solid, bull-necked Elder William Tucker, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, would grip your hand firmly and ask earnestly, “How are you, Brother?” (Harvey, April 1986) Elder Loftin Harvey, Jr., several months senior…
Read moreThe Eastern Edge: LDS Missionary Work in Hungarian Lands
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 2
On the periphery of his thoughts, iron wheels clanked, March winds scratched past windows, a swaying passenger wagon groaned, and a steam engine chugged rhythmically. The tracks traversed the massive Iron Gate gorge, a slit…
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