Jonathan A. Stapley
JONATHAN A. STAPLEY {[email protected]} is a scientist and historian. Oxford University Press published his Power of Godliness: Mormon Liturgy and Cosmology in 2018.
The Words and Worlds of Smith and Brown Samuel Morris Brown, Joseph Smith’s Translation: The Words and Worlds of Early Mormonism
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 3
In 1887 Albert Michelson and Edward Morley performed what was intended to be the crowning accomplishment of physics—an experiment to determine how movement through the luminiferous ether changed the speed of light. What they found…
Read moreReview: Edward Leo Lyman, Candid Insights of a Mormon Apostle: The Diaries of Abraham H. Cannon, 1889–1895
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 1
Reviews: Dean C. Jessee, Mark Ashurst-McGee, and Richard L. Jensen, eds. Journals, Volume 1: 1832–1839Dean C. Jessee, Mark Ashurst-McGee, and Richard L. Jensen, eds. Journals, Volume 2: December 1841–April 1843
Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 1