John-Charles Duffy
JOHN-CHARLES DUFFY is a graduate student in religious studies at the Uni197 versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He taught for several years as an adjunct instructor at the University of Utah, where from 2001 to 2004 he organized a monthly Mormon studies brown bag series. His articles have appeared in Sunstone, Dialogue, American Transcendental Quarterly, and in Victorian Literature and Culture.
Correlated Praise: The Development of the Spanish Hymnal
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 2
Statisticians predict that by 2012 native Spanish speakers will surpass native English speakers as the LDS church’s largest language group.[1] Clearly, the church is about to reach a dramatic turning point in its international growth.…
Read moreClyde Forsberg’s Equal Rites and the Exoticizing of Mormonism
Articles/Essays – Volume 39, No. 1
Can Deconstruction Save the Day? “”Faithful Scholarship”” and the Uses of Postmodernism
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 1