Grant Hardy

GRANT HARDY {[email protected]} is a professor of history and reli￾gious studies at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He has pub￾lished books on early Chinese history, as well as the Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Edition (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003) and Under￾standing the Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Guide (New York: Oxford Univer￾sity Press, 2010). His recent publications include the Oxford History of His￾torical Writing, Vol. 1, co-edited with Andrew Feldherr (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2011) and Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition (a thirty-six-lecture course on both DVD and audio CD, pro￾duced and distributed by The Great Courses, 2011). This essay is a revised and updated version of one posted at By Common Consent, Feb- ruary 15, 2011.

The King James Bible and the Future of Missionary Work

Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 2

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