Edwin Firmage Jr.

EDWIN FIRMAGE JR. {[email protected]} is a fine art photographer in Salt Lake City. He studied classics at Princeton University and has a master’s degree in ancient history and Medi￾terranean archaeology from U.C. Berkeley where he was a Mellon Fellow. From 1986 to 1989, he was a Rotary Foundation scholar at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He is the author and publisher of Red Rock Yellow Stone (Salt Lake City: Firmageditions, 2005), an award-winning combination of photographs of the American West and haiku from Japan. This article is adapted from an address pre￾sented at the Unitarian Church, Salt Lake City, December 18, 2009, which in turn draws from a much longer manuscript that details the evidence for climate change and specific steps that the LDS Church could take to address this problem. The remainder of the manuscript can be found in the blog section of www. edwinfirmage.com.

Light in Darkness: Embracing the Opportunity of Climate Change

Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 3

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