Dian Saderup
DIAN SADERUP is currently a member of the Manhattan First Ward. She is a Ph.D. candidate in American Literature at Brandeis University. Her writing has appeared in various LDS periodicals.
Family Presentation
Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 2
On fast Sundays in my home ward we have what’s called a “family presentation” during the opening exercises of Sunday School. Usually, the bishop chooses a couple with relatively young children to present a program…
Read moreThe Grace of the Court
Articles/Essays – Volume 17, No. 1
The night before, I had felt a sudden need to read the scriptures, something I hadn’t done in nearly three months. I stayed up until 2:30 and was asleep when Lynn called from Oakland at…
Read moreTurning
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 1
In July 1984, I attended testimony meeting in my home ward in Salt Lake City. As the previous month’s crop of infants were blessed, I thought that after the sacrament I would go home. It was a Fourth of July weekend and I was sunburned, sleepy, and not much in the mood for testimonies about the star-spangled banner. Besides that, I was hungry. But when the sacrament was over, I stayed. I thought my motivation was guilt, but now I know it was grace.
Read moreFor Brother de Mik
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 2
Cupped in your papery palm the rose
was like a wound, flowering.
Your wife nodded when we brought it.
Yes, Papa, yes is pretty. Then
she put it in a bowl to float
and wilt on water.
Pilgrims in Time
Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 1
Four carved bishops keep vigil above the threshold to Canterbury Cathedral. The filigree of sculpture surrounding them is as airy as lace, though crafted of stone. It looks as if it could rise upon wind…
Read moreLiving Histories: Selected Biographies from the Manhattan First Ward
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4
Two years ago the Manhattan First Ward published a small collection of biographies chronicling the lives of nine senior ward members. Impetus for the project came when news reached Bill Cottam during his initial year as First Ward bishop that several older members had died.
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