Cristine Hutchison-Jones

CRISTINE HUTCHISON-JONES {cristine.hutchison.jones@} received her BA in American studies and religion from Florida State University in 2001, and her PhD in religious and theological studies from Boston University in 2011. She is a cultural and intellectual historian of religion in the United States with a focus on religious intolerance and representations of minor￾ities. Her dissertation, “Reviling and Revering the Mormons: De￾fining American Values, 1890–2008,” explored images of the Mor￾mons in American news, fiction and non-fiction writing, and tele￾vision and film.

Review: J. Spencer Fluhman. “A Peculiar People”:Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in Nineteenth-Century America

Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 2

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