Chrystal Vanel

CHRYSTAL VANEL {[email protected]} is a certified teacher for the French national education system and an associate member of the research laboratory Histoire et dynamique des espaces anglophones (Sorbonne Université). He holds a PhD in sociology (EPHE, Paris), a MA in religious studies (EPHE), a BA in theology (University of Geneva), and a BA in history (Panthéon-Sorbonne). He has written articles and book chapters in French and in English about various aspects of Mormonisms, and he is currently part of a research project on race and religion (

Understanding the Community of Christ’s Doctrine and Covenants Dale E. Luffman, Commentary on the Community of Christ Doctrine and Covenants. Volume 2: The Reorganization—Community of Christ Era

Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 3

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Community of Christ: An American Progressive Christianity, with Mormonism as an Option

Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 3

Dialogue 50.3 (Fall 2017): 89–115
I thus argue that Mormonism exists wherever there is belief in the Book of Mormon, even though many adherents reject the term “Mormonism” to distance themselves from the LDS Church headquartered in Salt Lake City.

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