Cecilia Konchar Farr
Cecilia Konchar Farr, author of The Ulysses Delusion and Reading Oprah, is Professor of English and Women's Studies, Chair of English and a Carondelet Scholar in the Women's College at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Dancing Through the Doctrine: Observations on Religion and Feminism
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 3
Dialogue 28.3 (Fall 1995): 1–12
As American feminist thinkers and organizers, we’ve walked a long road since then, a road that has led us farther and farther away from religious discourse and Christian justification. Our reasons have been good: We didn’t want to limit or exclude. We didn’t want to direct all feminists down a single philosophical path.
“Gender Troubles” and Mormon Women’s Voices: Faithful Transgressions in the American West: Six Twentieth Century Mormon Women’s Autobiographical Acts by Laura L. Bush
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2