B. W. Jorgensen

BRUCE W. JORGENSEN lives in Provo and teaches English at Brigham Young University. He is a lifetime member and past president (1990) of the Asso￾ciation for Mormon Letters, which recently awarded him an honorary lifetime membership. He recently published in Dialogue an essay, "Scriptural Chastity Lessons: Joseph and Potiphar's Wife; Corianton and the Harlot Isabel," 32, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 7-34, and a short story, "Measures of Music," 32, no. 3 (Fall 1999): 133-40. He presented an earlier form of this essay at the Association for Mormon Letters conference, February 24, 2001, Salt Lake City, published under the title, "Imagining Mormon Marriage, Part 2: Toward a 'Marriage Group' of Contemporary Mormon Short Stories," in the AML Annual 2002 (Provo, Utah: Association for Mormon Letters, 2002), 37-52.

Gathering Apples in First Snow

Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 3

This year October takes us sudden, breaks 
The honeylocust leaves with a parching frost 
And casts them, ashen green and clattering, down
On sidewalks still glaring as white as summer. 

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Proving Subcontraries: In memoriam G. Eugene England, 1933–2001

Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 4

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Imperceptive Hands: Some Recent Mormon Verse

Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 4

Thus Clinton Larson in an interview published in Dialogue for Autumn 1969. Dr. Larson, whom Karl Keller has described as the first “Mormon poet,” also affirmed a hope that “If . . . literary artists . . . take their work as seriously as they should, and by ‘seriously’ I mean that they become professionally responsible, then a significant and coherent literary movement can begin.” Whether a “literary movement” in the church is possible, or even desirable, I wish to leave aside. Good poems, however, should be possible and certainly are desirable; they are, as Larson suggests, “part of the spiritual record” of this people. The recent books of three young writers, who might be thought of as second-generation L.D.S. poets, exhibit the grounds for both the hope and the negation in Larson’s remarks. 

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On Second West In Cedar City, Utah: Canticle for the Virgin

Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 1

Ave Maria, plena gratia!

One street west, in the ward chapel,
I reinforce with paper thimble
of water and shard of bread
my bond to God:

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The Princes of God

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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For No Dreams

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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Syllables for a January Thaw

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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Weight of Glory

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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Opening Lunch on Getting to the Office

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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Near an Abandoned Canal Bridge in Southern Utah

Articles/Essays – Volume 08, No. 2

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“No Continuing City””: Reading a Local History: Provo: A Story of People in Motion

Articles/Essays – Volume 09, No. 2

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Digging the Foundation: Making and Reading Mormon Literature

Articles/Essays – Volume 09, No. 4

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Come Into His Presence with Singing

Articles/Essays – Volume 10, No. 1

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The Vocation of David Wright: An Essay in Analytic Biography

Articles/Essays – Volume 11, No. 2

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Almost But Not Quite: Turn Again Home by Herbert Marker

Articles/Essays – Volume 11, No. 3

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In the Cold House

Articles/Essays – Volume 11, No. 3

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“Herself Moving Beside Herself, Out There Alone”

Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 3

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Maverick Fiction: The Canyons of Grace by Levi S. Peterson

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 2

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Groping the Mormon Eros

Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4

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Scriptural Chastity Lessons, Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife; Corianton and the Harlot Isabel

Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 1

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Measures of Music

Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 3

It came then that Sara dreamed of the flood. It had been the news for weeks, cities all along the Front sandbagging streets, sidewalks, driveways, window wells, a mudslide that made a lake over a…

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Toward a “”Marriage Group”” of Contemporary Mormon Short Stories

Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 4

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