Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 4

To a College Friend Killed by a Drunk Driver

In those days 
we all wanted a man 
to cover our shame, the nakedness 
of being a woman alone. 
A degree yes unless 
The Knight came 

to carry us to Camelot 
where breasts were always firm, ample 
like yours maybe I could get a man 
who would love me for my mind. 

We laughed at Pride and Prejudice never 
quite seeing them as us 
studying as if it mattered more than 
someone loving us forever 

then when Your Knight drove up in his old Ford 
and ran over your illusions you 
married the lone and dreary world 
with your beautiful body had seven kids, got fat laughed
at contradiction like this was your dream come 
truer than we ever thought. 

Then you were ready for the drunk he 
got your body but not 
the you that knew 

to get a man is nothing 
to keep a man to have someone 
who after years of ordinary clings to your hem as you leave
for just one last touch of Camelot 
is all.