Articles/Essays – Volume 10, No. 4

Among the Mormons

Eleven years ago, Dialogue and Ralph W. Hansen began an association which would last a decade and produce nearly forty Among the Mormons columns. His painstaking contribution stands as a monument to dedication and diligence. Who else would have had the sheer tenacity to prepare incisive, comprehensive surveys of Mormon literature every three months for almost ten years? Dialogue appreciates this unique man whose name has graced its pages on more occasions than any other author. As long as there are serious students of Mormons and Mormonism, Ralph Hansen’s works will continue to serve the purpose for which they were intended. 

In our quest to continue the excellence of Among the Mormons, we gratefully acknowledge our debt to Chad Flake for his bibliography Mormon Americana, distributed semi-monthly by the Brigham Young University Library primarily for the benefit of libraries with an interest in Mormon literature; the editors of the new reference publication Index to Mormonism in Periodical Literature, published by the Historical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and those various other authors whose studies for a variety of reasons grace neither of these comprehensive publications. 

The bibliography of periodical literature which follows includes the major articles published since Hansen’s Among the Mormons column in Volume X, No. 1 of Dialogue. As has been the practice, with few exceptions, articles appearing in official LDS publications, with which most Dialogue readers are familiar, have not been included. 

Among the Mormons will continue to cover the entire bibliographical specturm—articles, books and dissertations—each year. It is also proposed to develop an annual bibliography of articles on Mormons and Mormonism which have appeared in major newspapers. 

Periodical Articles on Mormons and Mormonism


“A Bicentennial Salute to American Cities: Salt Lake City.” Nations Business 63 (June 1975): 53-65.

Alexander, Thomas G. “Wilford Woodruff and the Changing Nature of Mormon Religious Experience.” Church History 45 (March 1976): 56-69. 

Brink, T. L. “The Rise of Mormonism: A Case Study in the Symbology of Frontier America.” International Journal of Symbology 6 (November 1975): 31-38. 

Cannon, Charles A. “The Awesome Power of Sex: The Polemical Campaign Against Mormon Polygamy.” Pacific Historical Review 43 (February 1974): 61-82. 

Hill, Samuel S., Jr. “Typology of American Restitutionism: From Frontier Revivalism and Mor monism to the Jesus Movement.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 44 (March 1976): 65-76. 

Knowlton, Clark S. “Social Accommodation in Utah.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1974-1975 6 (1976): 79-108. 

Lansaw, Paul. “City by the Lake.” Westzvays 69 (June 1977): 59-61. 

McCarry, Charles. “Utah’s Shining Oasis.” National Geographic 147 (April 1975): 440-473.

McGowan, Thomas. “TheMormons: Buildersof AmericanZion.” America 132(March22,1975): 208-211.

Paul, Rodman W. “The Mormons from Poverty and Persecution to Prosperity and Power.” American Heritage 28 (June 1977): 74-83. 

———. “The Mormons of Yesterday and Today.” Idaho Yesterdays 19 (Fall 1975): 2-7.

Poll, Richard D. “The Americanism of Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Winter 1976): 76-93.

 Sessions, Gene A. “Myth, Mormonism, and Murder in the South.” South Atlantic Quarterly 75 (Spring 1976): 212-225. 

———, and Stephen W. Stathis. “The Mormon Invasion of Alaska: Dynamics of a Potent Myth.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 22-35. 

Apostates and Gentiles

Anderson, C. LeRoy. “The Scattered Morrisites.” Montana: the Magazine of Western History 26 (Autumn 1976): 52-69. 

“Fancher Wagon Train Re-Enactment.” Carroll County Historical Society Quarterly 20 (February 1976): 2-4. 

Howard, G. M. “Men, Motives, and Misunderstandings: A New Look at the Morrisite War of 1862.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Spring 1976): 112-132. 

“James J. Strang Drew Many to His Mormon Kingdom.” Wisconsin Then and Now 11 (January 1975): 2-3, 7. 

McCormick, John S. “An Anarchist Defends the Mormons: The Case of Dyer D. Lum.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Spring 1976): 156-169. 

Morrill, Allen C, and Eleanor D. Morrill. “The McBeth Nez Perce Mission Centennial Utah, 1874-1974.” Journal of Presbyterian History 52 (Summer 1974): 123-136. 

Shepherd, Allen L. “Gentile in Zion: Algernon Sidney Paddock and the Utah Commission 1882-1886.” Nebraska History 57(Fall 1976): 359-377. 

Stern, Norton B. “The Founding of the Jewish Community in Utah.” Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly 8 (October 1975): 65-69. 

Swenson, Paul. “Mormons and Gentiles.” Utah Holiday 6 (November 8, 1976): 6-10, 12-16, 40-41.

Turney, Catherine. “John Doyle Lee: Villian or Scapegoat?” Mankind 5 (August 1976): 60-65.

Weber, Francis J. “Catholicism Among the Mormons.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Spring 1976): 141-148. 

Architecture and Furniture

Anderson, Paul. “William Harrison Folsom: Pioneer Architect.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 240-259. 

Brunvand, Jan Harold. “The Architecture of Zion: Early Mormon Homes.” American West 13 (March/April 1976): 28-35. 

Call, Craig M. “Confessions of a Mormon Preservationist.” Sunstone 2 (Spring 1977): 65-70.

Goss, Peter L. “The Architectural History of Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 208-239.

Griffith, Teddy. “A Heritage of Stone in Willard.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 286-300.

Morningstar, Connie. “Brigham Young and Early Utah Furniture.” Antiques Journal 30 (May 1975): 26-28, 44. 

———. “Early Utah Furniture.” Antiques Journal 30 (April 1975): 14-17, 46. 

Poulsen, Richard C. “Stone Buildings of Beaver City.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 278-285. 

Roberts, Allen D. “Religious Architecture of the LDS Church: Influences and Changes Since 1847.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 301-327. 

———. “More of Utah’s Unknown Pioneer Architects: Their Lives and Works.” Sunstone 1 (Summer 1976): 42-56. 

———. “Utah’s Unknown Pioneer Architects: Their Lives and Works.” Sunstone 1 (Spring 1976): 67-85.

———, and Duane Powell. “Art Glass Windows in Mormon Architecture.” Sunstone 1 (Winter 1975): 8-13. 

Winter, Robert. “Architecture on the Frontier: The Mormon Experience.” Pacific Historical Review 43 (February 1974): 50-60. 

Art, Drama, and Music

Bitton, Davis. “These Licentious Days: Dancing Among the Mormons.” Sunstone 2 (Spring 1977): 16-27. 

Bliss, Frederick, and P. Q. Gump. “Mormon Shakespeares: A Study of Contemporary Mormon Theatre.” Sunstone 1 (Spring 1976): 54-66. 

Capener, Brian. “Marvin Payne: Songwriter in Rising Water.” Sunstone 1 (Summer 1976): 14-21.

Clayton, Lawrence. “Mormon Life and History: Some Folk Song Commentaries.” Greater Llano Estacado Southwest Heritage 5 (Fall 1975): 26-29. 

D’Arc, James V. “The Saints on Celluloid: The Making of the Movie ‘Brigham Young.’ ” Sunstone 1 (Fall 1976): 10-28. 

Holbrook, Leona. “Dancing as an Aspect of Early Mormon and Utah Culture.” BYU Studies 16 (Autumn 1975): 117-138. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Third Canadian Symposium on the History of Sport and Physical Education, 19 August 1974. 

Johnson, Rue C. “Frontier Theatre: the Corinne Opera House.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42 (Summer 1974): 285—295. 

Law, Craig, and Nancy Law. “Mormon Documentary Photography.” Sunstone 1 (no. 3 1976): 39-41.

Myer, Peter, and Marie Myer. “New Directions in Mormon Art.” Sunstone 2 (Spring 1977): 32-64.

Nolan, Tom. “The Family Plan of the Latter-Day Osmonds.” Rolling Stone 208 (March 11,1976): 46-51.

Packer, Boyd K. “The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 575-588. 

Prelutsky, Burt. “Cute, Cuddly, Courteous and Worth Millions: Donny and Marie Osmond’s TV Success is the Latest Chapter in a Unique Family Saga.” TV Guide 24 (August 7, 1976): 16-18, 20. 

Stowe, Leland. “When the Saints Come Singing In.” Readers Digest 106 (April 1975): 45-50. 

Authority, Doctrine, and Theology

Benz, Ernst. “Mormonism and the Secularization of Religions in the Modern World.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 627-639. 

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton. “Mesmerism and Mormonism.” BYU Studies 15 (Winter 1975): 146-170. 

Hartley, William G. “Ordained and Acting Teachers in the Lesser Priesthood, 1851-1883.” BYU Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 375-398. 

Hill, Marvin S. “Religion in Nauvoo: Some Reflections.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Spring 1976): 170-180. 

Humpherys, A. Glen. “Missionaries to the Saints.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 74-100.

Lyon, T. Edgar. “Doctrinal Development of the Church During the Nauvoo Sojourn, 1839-1846.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 435-446. 

Maxwell, Neal A. “Some Thoughts on the Gospel and the Behavioral Sciences.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 589-602. 

Madsen, Truman G. “The Meaning of Christ—The Truth, The Way, The Life: An Analysis of B. H. Robert’s Unpublished Masterwork.” BYU Studies 15 (Spring 1975): 259-292.

Mulder, William. “Mormon Angels of Historic Vision: Some Maverick Reflections.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 13-22. 

Orme, Michael. “The Causes of the Mormon Reformation of 1856-57.” Tangents HI (1975): 15-43.

Palmer, Spencer J. “Mormon Views of Religious Resemblances.“BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 660-681.

Quinn, D. Michael. “The Mormon Succession Crises of 1844.“BYU Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 187-233.

Reynolds, Noel B. “The Doctrine of an Inspired Constitution.“BYU Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 315-340.

Young, S. Dilworth. “The Seventies—An Historical Perpective.” Ensign 6 Quly 1976): 14-21. 


Bitton, Davis. “More Reading on More History.” Ensign 6 (December 1976): 65-66.

———. “Reading Mormon History: There’s Never Been More.” Ensign 5 (December 1975): 70-71.

Flake, Chad J. “Mormon Bibliography 1974.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 527-536.

———. “Mormon Bibliography 1975.” BYU Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 419-428. 

Wahlquist, Wayne L. “A Review of Mormon Settlement Literature.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 4-21. 

Wilson, William. “A Bibliography of Studies in Mormon Folklore.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 389-394. 


Arrington, Leonard J. “Historian as Entrepreneur: A Personal Essay.” BYU Studies 17 (Winter 1977): 193-209, 

Axthelm, Pete. “Miller—Golf’s New Golden Boy.” Newsweek 85 (February 3, 1975): 44-48.

Evans, Max. “William C. Stains: ‘English Gentleman of Refinement and Culture.’ ” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Fall 1975): 410-420. 

Firmage, Edwin Brown. “Elder Hugh B. Brown 1883-1975: In Memoriam.” Ensign 6 (January 1976): 86-91. 

Harris, Linda W. “The Legend of Jessie Evans Smith.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 351-364.

Harrow, Joan Ray. “Joseph Rawlins, Father of Utah Statehood.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Winter 1976): 59-75. 

Hart, Edward L. “John Hyde, Jr.—An Earlier View.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 305-312. 

Hesslink, George K. “Kimball Young: Seminal American Sociologist, Swedish Descendant and Grandson of Mormon Leader Brigham Young.” Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly 25 (April 1974): 115-132. 

Hunter, Rodello. “My Unforgettable Papa.” Readers Digest 107 (August 1975): 69-73.

Kimball, James N. “Remembering Uncle Golden.” Sunstone 1 (Summer 1976): 22-29.

Kimball, Stanley B. “Heber C. Kimball and Family, the Nauvoo Years.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 447-479-

Leonard, Glen M. “Truman Leonard: Pioneer Mormon Farmer.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Summer 1976): 240-260. 

Nolan, Tom. “The Family Plan of the Latter-Day Osmonds.”Rolling Stones 208 (March 11,1976): 46-52.

Peterson, Charles S. “Jacob Hamblin, Apostle to the Lamanites, and the Indian Mission.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 21-34. 

Rogers, Kristen Smart. “William Henry Smart: Uinta Basin Pioneer Leader.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 61-74. 

Semling, H. “Senator Jake Garn—An Urban Ally.” American City and County 91 (February 1976): ^7.

 Spence, Mary Lee. “The Fremonts and Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Summer 1976): 286-302.

Tober, Douglas F. “Karl G. Maeser’s German Background, 1828-1856: The Making of Zion’s Teacher.” BYU Studies 17 (Winter 1977): 155-175. 

Walker, Ronald W. “Edward Tullidge: Historian of the Mormon Commonwealth.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 55-72. 

Watt, Ronald G. “A Dialogue Between Wilford Woodruff and Lyman Wight.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 108-113. 

Woodford, Robert J. “Jesse Gause Counselor to the President.” BYU Studies 15 (Spring 1975): 362-364.

Young, Karl E. “Charles Redd: A Profile of a Renaissance Man as Rancher.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1973-1974 5 (1975): 105-131.

Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price

Anderson, Richard Lloyd. “Gold Plates and Printer’s Ink.” Ensign 6 (September 1976): 71-76.

Bushman, Richard L. “The Book of Mormon and the American Revolution.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 3-20. 

Clark, James R. “Our Pearl of Great Price: From Mission Pamphlet to Standard Work.” Ensign 6 (August 1976): 12-17. 

Hilton, Lynn., and Hope A. Hilton. “In Search of Lehi’s Trail—Part I: The Preparation.” Ensign 6 (September 1976): 32-54. 

———. “In Search of Lehi’s Trail—Part II: The Journey.” Ensign 6 (October 1976): 34-63.

Larson, Stan. “Changes in Early Texts of the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 6 (September 1976): 77-82.

———. “Early Book of Mormon Texts: Textual Changes to the Book of Mormon in 1837 and 1840.” Sunstone 1 (Fall 1976): 44-55. 

Loveland, Jerry K. “Hogoth and the Polynesian Tradition.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 59-73.

“Mormon Mystery.” Time 110 (July 11, 1977). 69. 

Nibley, Hugh. “A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch.” Ensign 5 (October 1975): 78—84, (December 1975): 72-76; 6 (February 1976): 64—68, (March 1976): 62-66, (April 1976): 60-64, (July 1976): 64-68, (October 1976): 76-81, (December 1976): 73-78; 7 (February 1977): 66-75 (March 1977): 86-90, (April 1977): 78-89, (June 1977): 78-90. 

Palmer, David A. “A Survey of Pre-1830 Historical Sources Relating to the Book of Mormon.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 101-107. 

Plowman, Edward E. “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?” Christianity Today 21 (July 8, 1977): 32-34. 

Price, John A. “The Book of Mormon vs Anthropological Prehistory.” Indian Historian 7 (Summer 1974): 35-40- 

Business, Economics, and Labor

Beecham, Bill, and David Briscoe. “Mormon Money and How It’s Made.” Utah Holiday 5 (March 22, 1976): 28-35. Hatch, Randall. “The Morman Church: Managing the Lord’s Work.” MBA Qune 1977): 33-38. 

Herschensohn, Bruce. “The Marriotts: A Family’s Success Story.” Success Unlimited 24 (May 1977): 12-16, 55, 58-61. 

“Hotel Utah: Getting Better With Age.” Hotel and Motel Management 191 (December 1976): 20-22.

Huck, Susan L. M. “How Mormons Solve the Welfare Problem.” American Opinion 18 (April 1975): 17-19, 21-23, 25-26/ 87-88. 

May, Dean L. “Sources of Marriner S. Eccles’ Economic Thought.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 85-99. 

Documents and Records

Barnett, Steven G. “Collecting Early Period Mormon Autographs.” Hobbies: The Magazine for Collectors 81 (June 1976): 154. 

————. “Nauvoo, Illinois: The City of the Mormons as a Collecting Subject.” Hobbies: The Magazine for Collectors 80 (June 1975): 154-155. 

Cowley, S. C, and P. S. Greenberg. “Notes From Underground.” Newsweek 87 (March 1, 1976): 72. An article on the Church’s microfilm vaults in the Wasatch Mountains.

“Curious Record of Utah’s Pioneers.” True West 23 (March-April 1976): 59, 62. Reprint of an article that appeared in Leslie’s Weekly, March 12, 1963. 

Esplin, Ronald K., and Max J. Evans. “Preserving Mormon Manuscripts: Historical Activities of the LDS Church.” Manuscripts 27 (Summer 1975): 166-177. 

Gerlach, Larry R., and Michael L. Nicholls. “The Mormon Genealogical Society and Research Opportunities in Early American History.” William and Mary Quarterly 32 (October 1975): 625-629. 

Hinckley, Ann. “The Stanley Snow Irvins’ Collection.” International Archivist (June 1976): 42-56.

Howard, Richard P. “Church Exchange Copies of Historic Documents.” Saints Herald 122 (February 1974): 90-91.

Orton, John W. “Oral History and the Genealogical Society.” Catholic Library World 47 (October 1975): 110-112. 

Slover, Robert H. “A Newly Discovered 1838 Wilford Woodruff Letter.” BYU Studies 15 (Spring 1975): 349-361.

Sperry, Kip. “Mormons and Mormonism in the Contemporary Press: The Snider Collection.” Genealogical Journal 4 (September 1975): 110-117. 

Warner, Ted J. “B. H. Roberts on a Non-Mormon Topic: An Exercise in Historiography.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 409-414. 


Arrington, Leonard J. “Seven Steps to Greatness.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 459-470. A brief history of BYU. 

Bunker, Gary L., and Martin A. Johnson. “Ethnicity and Resistance to Compensatory Education: A Comparison of Mormon and Non-Mormon Ethnic Attitudes.” Review of Religious Research 16 (Winter 1975): 74-82. 

Dwyer, Robert J. “Catholic Education in Utah: 1875-1975.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Fall 1975): 362-389. 

“Mormon University Challenges Federal Regulations.” Liberty 71 (January-February 1976): 26-27.

Kimball, Spencer W. “Second Century Address.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 445-457.

Quinn, D. Michael. “Utah’s Educational Innovation: LDS Religion Classes, 1890-1929.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Fall 1975): 379-389. 

Riddle, Chauncey C. “A BYU for Zion.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 485-500.

Vinatieri, Joseph A. “The Growing Years: Westminister College From Birth to Adolescence.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Fall 1975): 344-361. 

Walsh, John. “Brigham Young University: Challenging the Federal Patron.” Science 191 (January 16, 1976): 160-163. 

———. “Brigham Young University: An Alternative R&D Style.” Science 191 (January 30, 1976): 365-367. 

Exploration, Immigration, and Settlement

Arrington, Leonard J. “Mississippi Mormons.” Ensign 7 (June 1977): 46-51.

———, and Dean May. “A Different Mode of Life: Irrigation and Society in Nineteenth-Century Utah.” Agriculture History 49 (January 1975): 3-20. 

———, and Richard Jensen. “Panaca: Mormon Outpost Among the Mining Camps.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 18 (Winter 1975): 207-216. 

Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach. ed. “Letters From the Frontier: Commerce, Nauvoo, and Salt Lake City.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 35-51. 

Brooks, Juanita. “Silver Reef: Fact and Folklore.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1972-1973 3 (1974): 87-104. 

Christiansen, Alfred. “Scandinavians and the New Zion in the West.” American Scandinavian Review 60 (September 1972): 263-271. 

Corbett, Pearson Starr. “Settling of the Muddy River Valley.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 18 (Fall 1975): 141-151. 

DeMille, Janice F. “Shonesburg: The Town Nobody Knows.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 47-60. 

Divett, Robert Thomas. “New Mexico and the Mormons.” Southwest Heritage 6 (Spring 1976): 14-19.

Hafen, LeRoy R. “The Opening and Development of the First Route From the Rockies to the Pacific.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1973-1974 4 (1975): 5-19-

Hartley, William G. “Coming to Zion: Saga of the Gathering.” Ensign 5 (July 1975): 14-18.

Hill, Norman. “The Trumpet of Zion: Mormon Conversion and Emigration in Britain.” Tangents III (1975): 56-69. 

Jackson, Richard H. “The Mormon Village: Genesis and Antecedents of the City of Zion Plan.” BYU Studies 17 (Winter 1977): 223-240. 

———, and Robert L. Lay ton. “The Mormon Village: Analysis of a Settlement Type.” Professional Geographer 38 (May 1976): 136-141. 

Kaus, Joe. “Forts of Utah.” Desert Magazine 30 (August 1976): 32-35. 

Linford, Lawrence L. “Establishing and Maintaining Land Ownership in Utah Prior to 1869.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42 (Spring 1974): 126—143.

May, Dean L. “The Making of Saints: The Mormon Town as a Setting for the Study of Cultural Change.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 75-92. 

———. “Mormon Cooperatives in Paris, Idaho, 1869-1896.”Idaho Yesterdays 19 (Summer 1975): 20-30.

———. “People on the Mormon Frontier: Kanab’s Families of 1874.” Journal of Family History 1 (Winter 1976): 169-192. 

Neal, Howard. “Genoa, Nevada.” Desert Magazine 39 (May 1976): 10-11. Brief history of a community originally settled by Mormons. 

Notarianni, Philip F. “Italian Fraternal Organizations in Utah, 1897-1934.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Spring 1975): 172-187. 

Papanikolas, Helen. “Utah’s Coal Lands: A Vital Example of How America Became a Great Nation.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Spring 1975): 104-124. 

Peterson, Charles S. “A Mormon Village: One Man’s West.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 3-12.

Powell, Allan Kent. ” ‘The Foreign Element’ and the 1903-4 Carbon County Miners’ Strike.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Spring 1975): 125-154. 

Reilly, P. T. “Historic Utilization of Paria River.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Spring 1977): 188-201.

Rice, Cindy. “Spring City: A Look at a Nineteenth-Century Mormon Village.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Summer 1975): 260-277. 

Sherlock, Richard. “Mormon Migration and Settlement After 1874.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 53-68. 

Simpson, James H. “Explorations Across the Great Basin of Utah.” Nevada Historical Review 5 (1976): 13-17. 

Stipanovich, Joseph. “South Slav Settlements in Utah, 1890-1935.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Spring 1975): 155-171. 

Wahlquist, Loreen P. “Memories of a Uintah Basin Farm.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42 (Spring 1974): 165-177. 

Wahlquist, Wayne L. “A Review of Mormon Settlement Literature.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977): 4-21. 


Brooks, Juanita. “Silver Reef: Fact and Folklore.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1972-1973 3 (1974): 87-104. 

Harris, Linda W. “The Legend of Jessie Evans Smith.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 351-364.

Jolley, Clifton Holt. “The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith: An Archetypal Study.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 329-350. 

Peterson, Susan. “The Great and Dreadful Day: Mormon Folklore of the Apocalypse.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 365-378. 

Poulsen, Richard C. “Some Botanical Cures in Mormon Folk Medicine: An Analysis.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 379-388. 

Thompson, Roger M. “The Decline of Cedar Key: Mormon Lore in North Florida and Its Social Function.” Southern Folklore Quarterly 29 (March 1975): 39-61. 

Wilson, William A. “A Bibliography of Studies in Mormon Folklore.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 389-394. 

———. “The Paradox of Mormon Folklore.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 40-58.

———. “The Study of Mormon Folklore.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 317-328. 

Foreign Countries

Allen, James B., and Malcom R. Thorp. “The Mission of the Twelve to England, 1840-41: Mormon Apostles and the Working Classes.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 499-526.

Beecher, Dale F. “Rey L. Pratt and the Mexican Mission.” BYU Studies 15 (Spring 1975): 293-307.

Britsch, R. Lanier. “The Closing of the Early Japan Mission.” BYU Studies 15 (Winter 1975): 171-190.

Conkling, J. Christopher. “Members Without a Church: Japanese Mormons in Japan From 1924 to 1948.” BYU Studies 15 (Winter 1975): 215-224. 

de Bausset, Philippe. “Les Mormons sont parmi nous [The Mormons Are Among Us].” Paris Match 1420 (August 14, 1976): 29-37. 

Decoo, Wilfred. “The Image of Mormonism in French Literature: Part II.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 265-276. 

Gandara, Nello Pedra. “Mormon os profetas do fim do mundo [Mormons the Prophets of the End of the World].” Manchete 1200 (19 April 1975): 52-59.

Thorp, Malcolm R. ” ‘The Mormon Peril:’ The Crusade Against the Saints in Britain, 1910-1914.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 69-88. 

Tullis, Lamond. “Mormonism and Revolution in Latin America.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 235-249. 

Health and Medicine

Cowan, Richard O. “Advice from a Prophet.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 415- 418. 

Davidson, Bill. “What Can We Learn About Health From the Mormons?” Family Circle 88 Qanuary 1976): 78, 80, 82. 

Enstrom, James E. “Cancer Mortality Among Mormons.” Cancer 36 (September 1975): 825-841.

Esplin, Ronald K. “Sickness and Faith, Nauvoo Letters.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 425-434.

Heinerman, John. “The Mormons and Thomsonian Medicine.” Herbalist 1 (1976): 177-183.

Kane, Robert, Wayne Spencer, and Barry Rigby. “Family Planning Attitudes in a Mormon Community.” Sunstone 1 (Fall 1976): 78-84. 

Lyon, Joseph L., Melville R. Klauber, John W. Gardner, and Charles R. Smart. “Cancer Incidence in Mormons and Non-Mormons in Utah.” New England Journal of Medicine 294 (January 15, 1976): 129-133. 

See, Jay W. “Diet and the Great Religions Part 7: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” Let’s Live 43 (June 1975): 88-89, 91~~92′ 94- 

Smith, Jones E. and Phillip R. Kunz. “Polygyny and Fertility in Nineteenth Century America.” Population Studies 30 (November 1976): 465-480. 

Spicer, J. C, and S. O. Gustavus. “Mormon Fertility Through Half a Century: Another Test of the Americanization Hypothesis.” Social Biology 21 (Spring 1974): 70-76. 

Willis, John. “Mormon Fertility and the Americanization Hypothesis: Some Further Comments.” Social Biology 22 (Fall 1975): 282-284. 


Coates, Larry C. “George Catlin, Brigham Young, and the Plains Indians.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 114-118. 

Larsen, Dean L. “Mingled Destinies: The Lamanites and the Latter-Day Saints.” Ensign 5 (December 1975): 8-13. 

Miller, David E. “Peter Skene Ogden Discovered Indians.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1972-1973 3 (1974): 137-166. 

Smaby, Beverly. “The Mormons and the Indians: Conflicting Ecological Systems in the Great Basin.” American Studies 16 (Spring 1975): 35-48. 

Joseph Smith

Bushman, Richard L. “The Character of Joseph Smith: Insights From His Holographs.” Ensign 7 (April 1977): 10-13. 

Brink, T. L. “Joseph Smith: The Verdict of Depth Psychology.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 73-84. 

Hill, Marvin S. “The ‘Prophet Puzzle’ Assembled; or, How to Treat Our Historical Diplopia Toward Joseph Smith.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 101-105. 

Jessee, Dean. “Joseph Knight’s Recollections of Early Mormon History.” BYU Studies 17 (Autumn 1976): 29-39. 

———. “The Reliablility of Joseph Smith’s History.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 23-46.

Jolley, Clifton Holt. “The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith: An Archetypal Study.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976): 329-350. 

Madsen, Truman G. “Prayer and the Prophet Joseph Smith.” Ensign 6 (January 1976): 18-25,

Oaks, Dallin., and Joseph I. Bentley. “Joseph Smith and the Legal Process: In the Wake of the Steamboat Nauvoo.” Brigham Young University Law Review 1976 (no. 3): 735-782.

Touchet, Francis H. “Perfectionism in Religion and Psychotherapy or: Discerning the Spirits.” Journal of Psychology and Theology 4 (Winter 1976): 25-33. In part discusses Joseph Smith’s controversial King Follett Sermon as an expression of endemic American perfectionist strivings.


Barnett, Steven G. “Nauvoo, Illinois: the City of the Mormons as a Collecting Subject.” Hobbies: The Magazine for Collectors 80 (June 1975): 154-155. 

Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach, ed. “Eliza R. Snow’s Nauvoo Journal.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 391-416. 

———. “Letters From the Frontier: Commerce, Nauvoo, and Salt Lake City.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 35-51. 

Esplin, Ronald K. “Sickness and Faith, Nauvoo Letters.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 425-434.

Godfrey, Kenneth W. “Some Thoughts Regarding an Unwritten History of Nauvoo.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 417-424. 

Hill, Marvin S. “Mormon Religion in Nauvoo: Some Reflections.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Spring 1976): 170-180. 

Kimball, James L., Jr. “A Wall to Defend Zion: The Nauvoo Charter.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer !975): 491~497- 

Kimball, Stanley B. “Heber C. Kimball and Family, the Nauvoo Years.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 447-479.

Lyon, T. Edgar. “Doctrinal Development of the Church During the Nauvoo Sojourn, 1839-1846.” BYU Studies (Summer 1975): 435-446. 

Moody, Thurmon Dean. “Nauvoo’s Whistling and Whittling Brigade.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 480-490. 

Law and Politics

Bair, JoAnn W., and Richard L. Jensen. “Prosecution of the Mormons in Arizona Territory in the 1880’s.” Arizona and the West 19 (Spring 1977): 25-46. 

Esplin, Fred C. “Watergate’s Utah Connection.” Utah Holiday 6 (March 28, 1977): 4.

Groberg, Joseph H. “The Mormon Disfranchisements of 1882 to 1892.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Spring 1976): 399-408. 

Hill, Marvin S. “Quest for Refuge: An Hypothesis as to the Social Origins and Nature of the Mormon Political Kingdom.” Journal of Mormon History 2 (1975): 3-20. 

Jack, Ronald C. “Early Utah and Nevada Electoral Politics.” Nevada Historical Quarterly 17 (Fall 1974): 131-143; 17 (Winter 1974): 203-224; and 18 (Spring 1975): 3-25. 

Kimball, James L., Jr. “A Wall to Defend Zion: The Nauvoo Charter.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 491-497- 

Kotter, Richard E. “The Transcontinental Railroad and Ogden City Politics.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42 (Summer 1974): 278-284. 

Lyman, E. Leo. “A Mormon Transition in Idaho Politics.” Idaho Yesterdays 20 (Winter 1977): 2-11.

Moody, Thurmon Dean. “Nauvoo’s Whistling and Whittling Brigade.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 480-490. 

Oaks, Dallin, and Joseph I. Bentley. “Joseph Smith and the Legal Process: In the Wake of the Steamboat Nauvoo.” Brigham Young University Law Review 1976 (no. 3): 735-782. 


Cardwell, J. D., and D. B. Lindsey. “A Factor-Analytic Study of Male-Female Differences in Mormon Religiosity.” Measuring Mormonism 1 (Spring 1974): 1-26. 

Dyer, William G., and Robert Quinn. “But I Am Different at Work: A Study of the Variability of Leadership Style.” Measuring Mormonism 2 (Fall 1975): 30-46. 

Lassey, Marie L. Sellars. “Mental Health of Proselyting Missionaries.” Measuring Mormonism 1 (Spring 1974): 40-50. 

Madsen, Gary E. “Campus Religious Group Participation and Dogmatism as Factors Related to Changes in Religious Commitment of Mormon College Students.” Measuring Mormonism 1 (Spring 1974): 27-39. 

Mauss, Armand L., and Gordon E. Mauss. “Monday Night Among the Mormons: Religiosity and Family Home Evening Practices.” Measuring Mormonism 2 (Fall 1975): 1-19.

Peterson, Evan T. “Mormon Adolescents View Their Families.” Measuring Mormonism 2 (Fall 1975): 20-29. 

Travis, Richard W., and David C. Doepner. “From Dixie Wine to Mini-Bottles: Some Spatial Aspects of Drink and Drinking in Utah.” Measuring Mormonism 2 (Fall 1975): 47-55-


Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach. “The Eliza Enigma: The Life and Legend of Eliza R. Snow.” Charles Redd Monographs in Western History 1974-1975 5 (1976): 29-46. 

———. “Eliza R. Snow’s Nauvoo Journal.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 391-416.

———. “Under the Sunbonnets: Mormon Women With Faces.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 471-484. 

Bell, Elouise. “The Implications of Feminism for BYU.” BYU Studies 16 (Summer 1976): 527-540.

Bennion, Francine. “LDS Working Mothers.” Sunstone 2 (Spring 1977): 6-15.

Bennion, Sherilyn Cox. “The Woman’s Exponent: Forty-Two Years of Speaking for Women.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Summer 1976): 222-239. 

King, Mike. “The Long Journey of a Mormon Girl.” Frontier Times 49 (August-September 1975): 8-14, 26-31, 37-38, 40. 

Marty, Martin E. “Confusion Among the Faithful.” Saturday Review 4 (June 25, 1977): 10-11.

Matrille, Mary. “Hannah Keziah Clapp: It was Back in 1864 When this Atypical Schoolmarm was Talking Suffrage with the Mormons of Utah.” Nevada Magazine 36 (No. 3, 1976): 18-19.

Mulvay, Jill C. “Eliza R. Snow and the Woman Question.” Brigham Young University Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 250-264. 

———. “The Liberal Shall Be Blessed: Sarah M. Kimball.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Summer 1976): 205-221. 

———. “Three Mormon Women in the Cultural Arts.” Sunstone 1 (Spring 1976): 29-39.

———. “The Two Miss Cooks: Pioneer Professionals for Utah Schools.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Fall 1975): 396-409- 

Peterson, Levi S. “Juanita Brooks: Historian as Tragedian.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 47-54. An interesting comment on this article is Maureen Ursenbach Beecher. “A Thread of Tragedy—But Not the Whole Cloth.” Journal of Mormon History 3 (1976): 105-106. 

Pratt, Steven. “Eleanor McLean and the Murder of Parley P. Pratt.” BYU Studies 15 (Winter 1975): 225-256. 

Richey, Elinor. “Sagebrush Princess With a Cause: Sarah Winnemucca.” American West 12 (Novem ber 1975): 30-33, 57-63. A discussion of Mormon-Paiute relations in Nevada.

Wohl, Lisa Cronin. “A Mormon Connection? The Defeat of ERA in Nevada.” Ms (July ^977)’- 68-70, 80, 83-85.