Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 3

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Take things as you find them. 
Vincent Lean, Collectanea. 

Had Brigham Young adhered to Sam Brannan’s advice and settled in California, San Francisco might have become the Mecca of Mormonism. Young stopped in the Great Salt Lake Valley and San Francisco had to be content with lesser glories. However, California did produce a number of interesting Mormon-related books, pamphlets, and broadsides. A list of these works, as they appear in Clifford Merrill Drury’s California Imprints, 1846-1878 Pertaining to Social, Educational, and Religious Subjects (privately printed for the author, 1970, is printed below for the reader’s edification. Those interested in the location of the works should consult Drury’s volume. 

MONTGOMERY, JOHN [1794-1873] 

A proclamation to the inhabitants of the northern district of California, September 15, 1846. San Francisco: Printed by Samuel Brannan, 1846. Broadside. 

In English and Spanish forbidding the holding of Indians as slaves. 

Printed by the leader of the Mormon colony, this work is among the earliest extant publications in California under United States sovereignty. 


California. Its past history; its present position, its future prospects. London: 1850. 52 pp. 

Contains a description of the Mormon settlements in California. 

SLATER, NELSON [1805-1886] 

Fruits of Mormonism, or a fair and candid statement of facts illustrative of Mormon principles, Mormon policy, and Mormon character, by more than forty-five eye-witnesses. Coloma: Harmon and Springer, 1851. 94pp. 

Slater, a graduate of Auburn Theological Seminary in 1834, settled in Sacramento in 1851 where he was engaged in teaching and preaching. This book, critical of Mormon- ism, contains information secured from emigrants who had been obliged to spend a winter in Salt Lake City en route to California. 


Proclamation extraordinaria! para los americanos espanoles. Por Parley P. Pratt, apostol de la iglesia de Jesu Christo, de los Postiros Dios [sic] Santos. Read, preserve, and send this book to your neighbor. . . San Francisco: Monson, Haswell and Co., 1852. 18pp. 


Why the Latter Day Saints marry a plurality of wives. A glance at Scripture and reason, in answer to an attack through the Polynesian upon the Saints for polygamy. San Francisco; Printed at the Excelsior Printing Office, 1854. 22pp. 

The Polynesian was a paper published in Hawaii by missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 

[PRATT, PARLEY PARKER, (1807-1857)] 

Repent: Ye people of California: for, know assuredly, the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. [San Francisco: 1854]. Broadside. 


Ka buke a Moramona: he mooolelo i kakauia e ka lima o Moramona. . . San Francisco: Paiia e G. P. Pukuniski, 1855. 520pp. 

A translation of the Book of Mormon into the Hawaiian language. 


Mormon politics and policy. Political and judicial acts of the Mormon authorities in San Bernardino, California. Proceedings of public meetings to counteract the influence of Mormon doctrine as taught to the Indians. . . Published .. . by the Order of United Independent Democrats, of the County of San Bernardino. . . Los Angeles: Printed at the Office of El Clamor Publico, Francisco P. Ramirez and Co., Printers, 1856. 8pp. 


San Francisco: 1856-57. Published by Elder George Q. Cannon of the Latter-Day Saints. A book containing extracts of this publication appeared in Liverpool, England, in 1864. Cannon was also the translator of the Book of Mormon into the Hawaiian language. 

HIGBIE, ALFRED [1814-1901] 

Polygamy versus Christianity. A discourse against polygamy and baptism for the dead, delivered at Watsonville, June 14, 1857, by Rev. Alfred Higbie of Santa Cruz, California. San Francisco: B. F. Sterett, 1857, 29pp. 


To the Saints on the Pacific Slope. [Sacramento?]: [1863?]. 16pp. 


Address to the Saints in Utah. Polygamy proven an abomination by Holy Writ. Is Brigham Young president of the Church, or is he not. San Francisco: Turnbull and Smith, 1864. 48pp. 


A catechism for the children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in California. . . San Francisco: published by G. P. Dykes, Turnbull, and Smith, printers, 1864. 83pp. 


From England to California. Life among the Mormons and Indians. The experience and observations of the author during a period of eight years; giving the most thrilling account of the murders in Utah and the massacres on the overland line by the Indians; together with some very amusing scenes connected with Indian life. Sacramento: J.A. Wilson, publisher [1868]. 146pp. 

TODD, JOHN [1800-1873] 

The sunset land; or, the great Pacific slope. By Rev. . . . Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1870. 322pp. 

Contains some references to the Mormons. 


The polygamist’s victim; or, the life experiences of the author during six years residence among the Mormon saints. San Francisco: 1872. 72pp. 

STENHOUSE, FANNY (Mrs. T.B.H.) [b. 1849] 

Tell it all. The story of a life’s experiences in Mormonism. San Francisco: A.L. Ban croft and Co., 1874. 623pp. 

This book was also published in Hartford, Connecticut, and in Chicago, Illinois. 


An interesting life history of. . . San Francisco: Co-operative Printing Union, 1875. 67pp. 

Mrs. Graham spent six years among the Mormons in Utah. 

The following theses are taken from commencement programs of the three Utah universities, as are some of the dissertations. Additional dissertations from non-Utah institutions were located through the monthly issues of Dissertation Abstracts International. 


Allen, John Edward. “A Survey of Third Grade Reading in the State of Utah.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Allen, Joseph L. “A Collative Study of the Life of Quetzacoatl, the Feathered-Serpent God of the Ancient Mexicans, with Jesus Christ, the God of the Nephites.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Barrows, Frank B. “A Study of Vocational Education in a Comprehensive High School with Recommendations for Vocational Education and Educational Specifications for Industrial Education at East High School, Salt Lake City, Utah.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Barrus, George Stanton. “Differences Between Two Matched Groups of Ten Superior Non Metropolitan Utah Newspapers and Ten Low-Rated Non-Metropolitan Utah News papers: 47 Hypothesis.” University of Iowa, 1970. 

Brewster, Blair Hayes. “A Study of Absentee Patterns and Utilization of Sick Leave by Teachers in Granite School District.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Carr, Duane Slocum, Sr. “Post High School Plans of Utah’s High School Graduates for the Years 1966, 1967, and 1969.” University of Utah, 1970. (To no one’s surprise, 84% intend to go to some kind of post high school education.) 

Christensen, James Wesley. “An Historical and Descriptive Study of the Development of Teacher Selection and Teacher Education in the Department of Seminaries and Insti tutes of Religion in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Utah State Uni versity, 1970. 

Christenson, Robert A. “The Effect of Reward and Expert Power on the Distribution of Influence in Mormon Couples.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Coates, Lawrence George. “A History of Indian Education by the Mormons, 1830-1900.” Ball State University, 1969. 

Conrad, Robert James. “A Study of the Relationship Between Lesson Planning and Teacher Behavior in the Secondary Classroom.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Day, Robert Church. “Perceptions of the Elementary School Principal’s Role in Selected Areas of School Administration and Collective Negotiations in Utah.” Utah State University, 1970. 

DiLorenzo, Joseph. “A Comparison of Current and Model Special Education Programs in the School Districts of Utah as Seen by School Superintendents.” Brigham Young Uni versity, 1970. 

Dunford, C. Kent. “The Contributions of George A. Smith to the Establishment of the Mormon Society in the Territory of Utah.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Eldredge, Joseph Lloyd. “Staff and Parent Orientation to the Non-graded School Concept.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Flake, Lawrence Read. “The Development of the Juvenile Instructor under George Q. Cannon and Its Roles in Latter-day Saint Religious Education.” Brigham Young Uni versity, 1970. 

Fowler, Delbert Hugh. “The Relationship of the Advanced Placement Program in the Salt Lake City High Schools of Highland, South and West to College Achievement at the University of Utah.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Gleave, Ray Haun. “A Study of the Factors Affecting LDS Institute Enrollment Among Students from Homes of Parents Who Are Active in the LDS Church.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Handley, David Thatcher. “A Forecast and Analysis of Educational Events Identified by Utah Educators.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Hanson, Robert Neldon. “A Survey of Sixth Grade Students’ Reactions to Selected Situations Involving Certain Elements of Civil Rights.” Utah State University, 1970.

Jack, Ronald Collett. “Utah Territorial Politics: 1847-1876.” University of Utah, 1970. “There is ample support for the conclusion that the Mormon Church controlled politics in Utah in the period 1847-1876.” 

Johnson, Darrell Lynn. “The Relationship of Open-Mindedness of Student Teachers at the University of Utah and Selected Elementary and Secondary Teachers in Granite School District to Selected Variables.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Lefevor, Paul Harold. “The Secondary School Principal’s Role in Professional Negotiations as Perceived by Representatives of Utah’s Educational Enterprise.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Moore, Harvey D. “The Study of Adult Education in Carbon County.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Munson, Voyle L. “An Analysis of Selected Public School Finance Legislation Considered by the Utah State Legislature During the Period 1961-1970.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Nielson, Joseph Lynn. “A Comparative Survey of Student Attitudes in Conventional and Modular Senior High Schools in Utah.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Palmer, Jarvis Page, “An Appraisal of Music Programs in the Public Schools of Utah.” Utah State University, 1969. 

Pettersson, Carl E. “A Comparison of the Opinions on Critical Issues in Education by Members of the Utah State Legislature and a Selected Jury of Educators.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Reeder, Clarence A., Jr. “History of Railroads in Utah, 1869 to 1883.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Robinson, Phileon Benjamin, Jr. “Differentiating Socio-Cultural Characteristics of Senior Citizen Participants in Adult Education Activities in Utah County, Utah.” The Uni versity of Nebraska, 1970. 

Salisbury, Charles D. “A Study of the Factors Determining Attendance, Non-attendance, and Recruitment of Representative LDS College Students During 1967-68.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Stratopoulos, Irene Chachas. “The Advanced Placement English Program in Salt Lake and Granite School Districts.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Struthers, Robert Eugene. “An Historical-Analytical Study of the Secondary Speech Pro gram at Brigham Young University High School, 1936-1968.” Ohio State University, 1970. 

Topham, Kenneth Mario. “The Attitudes of Utah School Board Members Toward Selected Educational Problems.” University of Utah, L970. 

Warner, Ross William. “A Descriptive Study of the Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Further the Religious Life of Students as Found in Campus Stakes and Colleges and Universities.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Williams, Billy Ray. “The Curriculum Specialists of the Utah State Department of Educa tion: Role Perception by Alter Groups.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Wolsey, Heber G. “History of Radio Station KSL 1922 to T.V.” Michigan State University, 1967. 


Arrington, Cammon Irby. “History of the Davis County Clipper from Its Inception in 1891 to the Present, 1970.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Atkinson, Ruth. “A History of the Future Homemakers of America in Utah from 1945-1970.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Bailey, Glade Charles. “An Historical Study of Industrial Education at Brigham Young University, 1883 to 1969.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Bean, Walter Ellis. “An Economic History of Star Valley, Wyoming, 1900-1969.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Beecher, Neal Edward. “The Aged in Utah: Characteristics of Persons 65 Years of Age and Older Residing in Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 1968.” University of Utah, 1970.

Black, Sharon Jean. “An Historical Approach to the Poetry of Eliza R. Snow.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Brakel, William David. “The Contribution of Summer Tourism to the Economy of Utah.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Brandt, Edward Jeffs. “The Principles and Nature of Consecration and Stewardship as Taught in the Bible and Modern Scripture and by the Prophets, Seers, and Revelatory of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Brown, Vernal A. “U.S. Marshals in Utah Territory in 1896.” Utah State University, 1970.

Brunson, Margaret Shugart. “Mental Health in Utah: The History of the Public Mental Health Movement in Utah.” University of Utah, 1970. 

Chidester, Clinton Richard. “A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of a Personal Commitment Program to be Used in Teaching Gospel Principles tb Teen-age Youth.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Christiansen, Karen Sisson. “Conservative-Modesty in Clothing Related to Orthdoxy of Single Mormon College Women, Eighteen to Twenty-five Years of Age.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Edmonds, Roy W., Jr. “Roles of Power Groups in Park City, Utah.” Brigham Young Uni versity, 1970. 

Funaki, Inoke F. “A Study of Tongan Students’ Success or Failure at the Church College as Related to High School GPA, Level of English Language Proficiency, and Selected Intervening Factors.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Gashler, Mavis Gay. “Three Mormon Actresses: Viola Gillette, Hazel Dawn, Leora Thatcher.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Gibbs, Richard Wesley. “A History of the Park Record, Park City, Utah, from 1880 to 1970.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Graham, Joe Stanley. “The Dream Mine: A Study in Mormon Folklore.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Gray, Howard Richard. “A Comparative Study of Intramural, Scholastic and Related Activities of Men and Women at Brigham Young University.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Glissmeyer, Floyd Dean. “An Historical Study of the Religious Education Program of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Utah.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Hall, Gerald Ray. “A Weekend Foster Parent Program Designed to Aid in the Development, Education, and Instruction of the Latter-day Saint Indian Youth attending Federal Boarding School.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Jarman, Beth Smith. “Isolationism in Utah, 1935-1941.” University of Utah, 1970.

Karren, Keith John. “A Comparison Study of Health Needs and Interests of Brigham Young University Freshmen.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Keith, Curtis L. “An Organizational Analysis of the Master’s Level Program in Family Relationships at Brigham Young University, 1970.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Killpack, Weston F. “An Investigation of the Use of Home Study Materials within the Classroom as an Aid to the Part-Time Nonprofessional LDS Seminary Teacher.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Larsen, Edward Sterling. “A Follow-Up Study of Graduate Students Formerly Enrolled in the Manufacturing Technology Program at Brigham Young University, 1962 to 1969.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Lloyd, Enrol Jack. “History of Cokeville, Wyoming.” Utah State University, 1970.

Nelson, Larry Earl. “Problems of Prohibition Enforcement in Utah, 1917-1933.” University of Utah, 1970.

Page, Albert Ray. “Orson Hyde and the Carson Valley Mission, 1855-1857.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Patrick, John Rooks. “The School of the Prophets: Its Development and Influence in Utah Territory.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Peacock, George Morris. “The Role of the Seminary Teacher as a Counselor as Judged by Stake Presidents, Bishops, and Seminary Teachers.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Pomeroy, Marion Reuel. “A Study of an Intensive Foreign Language Program at Brigham Young University.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Robertson, Boyd L. “A Study of the Factors Affecting LDS Institute Enrollment among Students from Homes of Parents Who Are Inactive in the LDS Church.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Roundy, Phyllis Ann. “An Analysis of BYU 1963 Women Graduates’ Present Status as Mothers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Simpson, Max B. “College Orientation: The Relationship Between College Orientation and the Success of Undergraduate Students at Brigham Young University.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Stephenson, Dwain Dee. “Attitudes of Selected College Professors and College Students in Utah Toward Labor Unions.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Stringham, Guy Edward. “Appleton Milo Harmon—Builder in Zion.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Sumner, V. Mack. “A Study of Basic Philosophies of Seminary Teachers Determined by the Ames Philosophical Belief Inventory.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Tucker, Tim M. “Excavations in Mound III, Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Vehar, Richard A. “A Study of Teacher, Principal, Coordinator Perception of the Role of a Latter-day Saint Seminary Principal.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Weaver, Richard Alan. “Predicting Competence in Transcribing Genealogical Records.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Webster, Lewis G. “A History of Westminster College, Salt Lake City, 1879-1969.” Utah State University, 1970. 

Welch, John Woodland. “A Study Relating Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon to Chiasmus in the Old Testament.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Williams, Douglas G. “The Effectiveness of Learning Stations as a Supplement to Life of Christ Instruction.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Wintersteen, Larry Ray. “Deseret Alphabet: A Form of Rhetoric Used Among the Mor mons, 1852-1877.” Brigham Young University, 1970. 

Wright, Dean Franklin. “A History of Park City, 1869 to 1898.” University of Utah, 1970.

Woodard, Francis M. “A Study of the Relationship between Religious Beliefs and Behaviors and Juvenile Delinquency, Orem, Utah, 1970.” Brigham Young University, 1970.

Young, Vern Maeser. “A Readership Study of The Instructor Magazine.” Brigham Young University, 1970.